


UDC 628.16.066.1:628.164-92
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.08.01

Bobinkin V. V., Vukolov Oleg, Gizzatullin Artur, Kasatochkin A. S., Kostylev Evgenii, Larionov S. Iu., Oliunin Sergei, Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris, Savochkin Andrei, Shilov Mikhail

Industrial horizontal intensified clarifier for water
softening/decarbonization by liming


Chemical softening methods have been widely used in the water treatment practice. As shown in the previous review, the chemistry of the process has remained unchanged over the past 100 years; however, the instrumentation of the process has changed. This equates to significantly increase the capacity and efficiency of the devices. Research work has been carried out on designing domestic intensified apparatus for softening/decarbonization of water by liming; and their introduction into industrial practice has started. Studies of the developed version of the multi-chamber horizontal clarifier with liming of Aquafloc type were carried out. The boundary parameters of the process of water liming with coagulation with iron salts were determined. It was established that the improved mixing, acceleration of chemical reactions and recirculation of carbonate sludge (seed) provide for the optimization of the sedimentation process to reduce the coagulant consumption and significantly improve the sludge characteristics. Essential advantages of the clarifier are as follows: smaller dimensions and metal consumption compared to classical clarifiers, as well as a short time to reach the operating mode. Thereby, an Aquafloc clarifier can be delivered to the site ready assembled, ready-to-use and with anti-corrosion protection that significantly reduces the time and cost of assembling at the facility. The concentration of dry matter in sludge reaches 8%. In comparison with the existing VTI-630 clarifiers, Aquafloc clarifier showed similar results in terms of chemical parameters and the best in terms of the concentration of suspended solids. In terms of water consumption for own needs, the clarifier turned out to be at the level of VTI apparatus that have a total blowdown volume of 2–4%.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.05.04
UDC 628.345

Stepanov S. V., Avdeenkov Pavel, Ponomarenko Ol’ga, MOROZOVA K. M.

The results of studies of physical and chemical wastewater treatment of an egg processing enterprise


The composition of wastewater of an enterprise for advanced processing of chicken eggs characterized by the following parameters: COD 3,600–12,200mg/l, concentration of suspended solids 1,206–3,031 mg/l, BODtotal 2,534–8,540 mg/l, no phosphates, pH 5.4– 13.2 was studied. The concentration of nitrogen compounds, mg/l, varied within the following ranges: ammonium – 0.4–11.4; nitrates – 0–15.3; nitrites – 0–7.3; organic nitrogen – 26.6–89.7. Based on the results of test coagulation, the optimal coagulant chosen was low-basic polyaluminum chloride brand «Aqua-AuratTM-14» with a dose of 125 mg/l as Al2O3. The average treatment efficiency while using this coagulant was, %: for COD – 77.3; for BODtotal – 76.3; for suspended solids – 80.1; for organic nitrogen – 58.7. The lowest concentration of residual aluminum 0.31 mg/l at the initial concentration of 0.29 mg/l corresponded to pH 6.7–7. Unit costs for the coagulant amounted to 9.37 rubles/m3.

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UDC 628.16.065.2

Getmantsev S. V.

System of Selection of Effective Technologies of Natural Water Treatment with the Use of Aluminium-Containing Coagulant


The accumulated experimental data on the use of aluminium-containing coagulants for natural water treatment found a reflection in numerous publications and monographs. The results of these studies make it possible to judge about the efficiency of application of aluminium sulphate and aluminium polyoxychloride for treatment of surface waters of various compositions as well as evaluate the influence of different water quality indicators on the efficiency of the use of coagulants. Data and results of own studies on the use of AQUA-AURAT™ coagulants which make it possible to reveal certain regularities are systematized and generalized. The algorithm of selection of AQUA-AURAT™ coagulants and technologies of their use depending on the quality indicators of natural water and characteristics of coagulants has been developed. The offered system realized in the form of a program module may serve as a practical instrument for selection of a reagent and determination of technological parameters of natural water treatment at existing or newly-designed treatment facilities.

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UDC 628.16

Gandurina L. V., Kvitka L. A., Shakhgaldian M. K.

Reducing color of natural water with the use of organic coagulants


The results of studies of the effectiveness of reducing color of low-turbid natural water by filtration with the use of organic coagulants of domestic trademarks: VPK-402, Kaustamin-15 and Biopag are presented. It is shown that the decrease in color of natural waters with organic coagulants occurs mainly due to coagulation processes at low alkalinity close to zero, and chemical interactions of the polyanion of humic acids with the coagulant polycation with alkalinity more than 1.2 mmol-eq/l. It was determined that the optimal doses of organic coagulants increase with a decrease in molecular weight in the series VPK-402 < Kaustamine-15 < Biopag and an increase in alkalinity of the treated water; whereas with an increase in hardness – decrease. In the alkalinity range of 1.2–2 mmol-eq/l the specific consumption of coagulants VPK-402 and Kaustamin-15 increases from 0.04–0.06 to 0.12 mg per degree of initial color while low-molecular Biopag coagulant practically does not change and is 0.09 mg/degree. The dispersion of the formed particles of the suspension increases with a decrease in the hardness of the treated water, an increase in alkalinity and the concentration of low molecular weight fractions of humic acids in water being purified which is accompanied by an increase in color of the purified filtered water. It is shown that the standard decrease in water color below 20 degrees is achieved by removing coagulated particles with a size of more than 0.3 microns in the process of filtration.

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UDC 628.321

Gaid Kader, Sauvignet Philippe, Buisson Hervé

The combination Actiflo – MF/UF membrane:  an efficient solution for surface waters


Process schemes of surface water treatment with membrane filtration in most cases at the final stage require advanced clarification technologies that provide for efficient removing color and high concentrations of organic and suspended solids from raw water. Therefore, «Actiflo® – ultra- and microfiltration» process scheme is the optimal solution for drinking water purification. The results of pilot tests of «Actiflo® – ultra- and microfiltration» process scheme are presented. The experience of operating the plants using this scheme is generalized.

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UDC 628.16.052.2

Potapov V. V., Brovkin A. E.

Improving natural water purification with the use of new generation chemicals


The main aspects of natural water purification with coagulation are considered. The data on the composition of the surface public water supply sources in the area of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky are presented. The average molecular weight of humus substances present in natural waters is determined. The results of experimental studies of using new generation coagulants and flocculants in natural water purification at the water treatment facilities of MUE «Petropavlovsk Vodokanal» are presented. The action of coagulants: aluminium sulfate, aluminium hydroxychloride and aluminium oxychloride was studied. It was stated that the maximum efficiency of color removal from natural water in the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky environment is provided by the use of aluminium sulfate and aluminium hydroxychloride; whereas the use of aluminium oxychloride was less efficient. The efficiency of turbidity removal when using all the three coagulants was high – 70–100%. Praestol 650 TR and Praestol 2515 TR flocculants at mutual dose testing improve the efficiency of color removal: Praestol 2515 TR – from 49–66 to 63–100%. The use of flocculants provided for improving the floc formation rate, floc size, floc sedimentation rate and sludge volume. To introduce the new advanced coagulant at the water treatment plant the coagulation process testing with the use of aluminium sulfate in combination with the flocculant is required. To eliminate possible formation of problem chlororganics before the coagulant takes effect and humus settles special attention shall be paid to the sodium hypochlorite injection point when coagulating high-colored water.

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UDC 628.31:725.384


Ecological Problems of Operation of Car-Washing Facilities and Means of Their Solving


A brief analysis of problems connected with the use of water in car-washing systems, disposal and treatment of wastewater generated is made. Main components of the car-washing facility’s wastewater are suspended substances, oil products and synthetic surface active agents. To ensure efficient treatment of wastewater guaranteeing the quality of treated water meeting the requirements of its use in recirculating systems as well as for discharge into sewerage networks, basins or on the relief it is necessary to use a complex of methods including coagulation, flotation, ozonization and sorption. A principal basic flowchart of the use, treatment and disposal of wastewater from car-washing facilities guaranteeing water quality and meeting the normative standards is proposed.

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UDC 628.16.065.2 (282.247.33)

Linevich S. N., Breus S. A.

Efficiency of Natural Water Disinfection in the Course of Coagulation Treatment


Results of experimental and theoretical studies of the coagulation treatment of the Don water and monitoring of the concomitant process of its disinfection are presented. The mechanism of separation of algae, bacteria and viruses from water due to their sorption on aluminium hydroxide generated in the course of coagulation is described. The best effect of water disinfection observed during electrocoagulation is 93,8%. The use of this method makes it possible to abandon the primary water disinfection with chlorine, exclude a large-size reagent services and improve the ecological situation in connection with reduction of the volume of the generated sludge (waste of coagulation process).

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