UDC 697.9:614.481.33
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.10.08
Study of the fire resistance rating of fire dampers in the ventilation system
The results of testing fire dampers of the Vertro trademark: KZО-2-60-800×800-O-S220-T-KR, type KZО-2-60-O, KZО-2-90-800×800-O-S220-T-МC-KR, type KZО-2-90-O and KZО-2-120-800×800-O-М220-T-KR, type KZО-2-120-O against the declared fire resistance rating are considered. Fire dampers (fire-stopping) are designed to block the ventilation ducts in order to stop further fire spreading, supply fresh air to the fire sources, and provide for the smoke and other combustion products exhaust. The three valves are normally open, single-cassette with one flap, channel, with an outside drive. The valve body is made of galvanized steel. Along the flap perimeter there is a thermoactive seal that expands under the action of high temperatures and ensures the valve tightness. The flap is made of fire-resistant glass-magnesite. Depending on the fire resistance rating, a flap of different thickness is used. According to the test results, it was confirmed that the valves meet the fire resistance rating declared by the manufacturer.
Key words
ventilation system , fire damper , fire resistance rating , smoke exhaust
For citation: Raizer Iu. A., Gataullina A. R., Abdullin Z. Z. Study of the fire resistance rating of fire dampers in the ventilation system. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2024, no. 10, pp. 56–60. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2024.10.08. (In Russian).
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