

UDC 628.1/.4:378.24:001.89
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.09.03

Strelkov A. K., Teplykh Svetlana, Gorshkalev P. A., Chernosvitov M. D.

Defense of thesis works in the specialty «Water supply, wastewater disposal, construction systems for water resources protection»


The qualitative and quantitative characteristics and indicators in the field of thesis works defense from 1984 to mid-2024 are presented. The time patterns, peaks and decays in scientific papers in the specialty 2.1.4 «Water supply, wastewater disposal, construction systems for water resources protection» are analyzed. Examples of correct formulations of elements of scientific novelty in the thesis synopses are given. An analysis of the categories of scientific novelty, both in general and in the methods of natural and wastewater treatment, is performed. The organizational and legal structure of thesis works defense is presented. Recommendations for defining the boundaries between the elements of the scientific novelty are given.

Key words

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For citation: Strelkov A. K., Teplykh S. Iu., Gorshkalev P. A., Chernosvitov M. D. Defense of thesis works in the specialty «Water supply, wastewater disposal, construction systems for water resources protection», Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2024, no. 9, pp. 15–20. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2024.09.03. (In Russian).

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