10 2022

Number 10 / 2022

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.10.01
UDC 502.55

Manaeva Elizaveta, Beliaeva N. I., Mamonov R. A.

Analysis of organic pollution of surface water bodies of a megacity


The regulatory documents of the Russian Federation provide lists of controlled pollutants for water bodies. It is practically impossible to assess the water quality of water reservoirs using all these indicators due to their numerousness. However, the text of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation does not formulate recommendations on the choice of the indicators for monitoring with account of the regional and technological features. The purpose of the work is to analyze the data on organic pollution of the surface water bodies of a megacity using the example of the Moskva River and its tributaries. The research was carried out in two stages. At the first stage, a retrospective analysis of the results of three-year observations of the water quality of reservoirs was carried out. The data from the laboratories of three regulatory organizations were used. At the second stage, our own research was carried out. A retrospective analysis was executed with generalized indicators: oil products, phenols, surfactants and formaldehyde. As a result of our own research, at least 200 organic compounds were found in the samples. The concentration of oil products, phenols and formaldehyde in the Moskva River has exceeded the adopted maximum permissible values. In different hydrological periods violations of the standards for such compounds as chlororganic substances, phthalates, phosphates, aliphatic acids, alcohols, bisphenol A and benzene were recorded in the river water. In the water of the Moskva River, organic compounds not regulated by the current legislation were found. Substances of the first hazard class to which the state regulation measures are applied, require additional monitoring in order to determine the frequency of their detection. For a number of detected organic compounds, there is evidence of their carcinogenic activity, which confirms the need to improve the hygienic standards.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.10.02
UDC 628.1.033:006.012

Turina Irina, Lebed’-Sharlevich Ia. I., Manaeva Elizaveta

Legislation of the countries of the European Region on the drinking water quality management (overview)


High-quality drinking water has been a guarantee of the health and well-being of the population. Formation of the requirements to the water treatment contributes to ensuring the quality and safety of drinking water. A review of the main approaches of the legislative regulation and the legal framework in the field of drinking water quality assurance in the countries of the European Region was carried out. The requirements to the quality of drinking water, chemicals, materials and equipment used in drinking water supply systems, as well as the requirements to their certification in the EU countries and Russia are considered. It is noted that, despite the availability of the national regulations and standards, a harmonization of the requirements to the products for drinking water supply is taking place within the framework of large associations of states (the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union).

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.10.03
UDC 628.166

FESENKO L. N., Tcherkesov A. Yu., Pchel'nikov I. V., Pchel’nikova Anastasiia, Skryabin A. Yu.

Comparative evaluation of the economic effectiveness of using chlorine-containing media in water disinfection technologies


An engineering and economic comparison of three methods of water disinfection using: gaseous chlorine, high concentrated sodium hypochlorite and low concentrated sodium hypochlorite is presented. A comparative analysis was carried out using the example of an operating chlorination plant located on the territory of the wastewater treatment facilities in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Kemerovo Region. The economic analysis has shown that the use of low concentrated sodium hypochlorite compared to high concentrated sodium hypochlorite is beneficial, as the payback period is reduced. This confirms the expediency of using this technology since it provides for implementing a socially oriented tariff policy for consumers to a greater extent. Besides, while choosing a chemical, its advantages should be sought in the safety of delivery and storage, technological effectiveness in use, the amount of by-products in the preparation of the product at the place of use, as well as the delivery price of a chlorine-containing chemical or the cost of apparatus that produce it directly at the premises of the water treatment facilities from purchased raw materials.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.10.04
UDC 544.77.052.22

Burganov Renat, Khasanova D. I., Gil’mutdinova Gul’fiia, Кирилова М. А., Kovrizhnykh E. A.

Studying and selecting effective flocculants for the purification of the Kama River water


Using the Kama River water as an example, the advantage of using flocculants of various ionic activity in combination with a coagulant based on polyaluminum chloride is shown. The results of studies of the main physical and chemical indicators are presented that better characterize the specific features of the coagulation of the Kama River water. Under the experimental conditions all tested flocculants were comparable as for the effectiveness to the flocculant based on polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride currently used at the water unit of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC. In the process of water clarification using a flocculant (sample No. 1) was proposed with a dose of 1–3 mg/dm3. It was shown that the combined use of polyaluminum chloride and the flocculant (sample No. 1) was more effective for extracting aluminum ions from water. The method of river water coagulation with the use of the flocculant (sample No. 1) differs from the existing one in higher cost-effectiveness and 50–60% reduction the of the chemical consumption.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.10.05
UDC 628.35

Stepanov S. V., Avdeenkov Pavel, Ponomarenko Ol’ga, MOROZOVA K. M.

Determination of kinetic constants and coefficients of biological processes of wastewater treatment of egg advanced processing enterprises


The results of studies carried out in contact conditions with active sludge of a laboratory batch reactor with wastewater from an enterprise for advanced processing of chicken eggs are presented. In the course of kinetic experiments based on measuring the rate of dissolved oxygen consumption the following averaged values of the kinetic constants of the biological treatment processes were established for wastewater after preliminary coagulation: the maximum rate of oxygen consumption at a sludge concentration ai → 0 ρ`max = 44.8 mg/(g·h) in terms of a temperature of 20°С; Michaelis constant Km = 77.5 mg/l; coefficient of inhibition by metabolic products φ=0.265; temperature constant χ = 0.08°С–1; optimal pH value 7.8 and pH constant 80. During the experiments with raw wastewater, the following average values of the constants were determined: the maximum rate of oxygen consumption at 20°С and ai → 0 ρ`max = 26.5 mg/(g·h); Michaelis constant Km = 50.6 mg/l; coefficient of inhibition by metabolic products φ=0.065; temperature constant χ = 0.1°С–1; pHopt 7.8 and KрН = 170. The obtained values of kinetic constants and coefficients can be used in the calculation of biological wastewater treatment facilities of an egg processing enterprise.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.10.06
UDC 628.52:614.71

Nartia Ekaterina, Kozlovskii Vladislav, Хоменков А. М., Зидиханова А. А., Kozlov Aleksandr, Вялова А. И., Larin Andrei

Chemical removal of malodorous substances at the wastewater treatment facilities


The removal of foul smells (malodorous substances) in domestic and industrial wastewater treatment systems has been a significant problem being solved in all the developed countries by known methods including chemical treatment of raw sludge. This paper presents the results of pilot tests of VTIAMIN ST-15 domestic complex chemical to prevent the occurrence and spread of foul smells at the wastewater treatment facilities of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Domodedovo Vodokanal by binding hydrogen sulfide and light mercaptans. Control of the state of the ambient air in the working area was carried out by measuring the concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and, occasionally, of methyl mercaptan. In the course of pilot tests, the effectiveness of chemical treatment was proven, and confirmed by the analyses of an independent laboratory. At a chemical dose of 300 g per ton of sludge with a moisture content of 98–99%, introduced during the periods of discharging raw sludge and excess activated sludge onto the sludge beds, the concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan in the working area decreased to the established standards; and after drying on sludge beds for 3.5 months the concentration of these substances in the ambient air did not exceed 0.5 MPC.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.10.07
UDC 628.292

Razakov M. A.

Study of the thermal stress of the engine room of a municipal wastewater pumping station


The results of a study of the thermal stress of the engine room of a municipal wastewater pumping station in the cold period are presented. The main sources of heat and cold and their degree of impact on the thermal stress of the engine room are considered. The results of modeling heat inputs into the engine room from various heat sources located at the different functional levels of the room are presented. The thermal model takes into account the specific features of the technological process of a high-voltage wastewater pumping station, as well as space-planning solutions for the building under consideration in stationary thermal conditions. The calculation was carried out at a constant wastewater temperature assumed equal +25°C. For the first time, it was determined and proved that the machine room of a high-voltage wastewater pumping station can be classified as a room with high thermal stress.

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Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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