Number 1 / 2023
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UDC 628:614.842.62:006.015.7 DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.01.01
Skolubovich Iurii, Primin Oleg, Gogina Elena
Problems of engineering systems of water use and scientific research on their solution
The state of public water supply and wastewater disposal systems in a considerable number of cities and towns in Russia in terms of their wear and tear and reliability causes alarm. The problems that exist today in the field of housing and public utilities are largely due to the lack of resources available with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, and significant reduction in fundamental and applied scientific work in this area. Information is provided on the problems and possible solutions, on the tasks of scientific research discussed by «Engineering Systems of Water Use», the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, the new composition of which included well-known scientists – experts in the field of water supply and wastewater disposal systems. It is noted that in recent years, due to underfunding in the field of public utilities, an advanced wear of water treatment facilities and pipelines of wastewater disposal systems, water supply and distribution systems occurs. It is shown that the innovative developments of Russian scientists have been hardly used. This was facilitated by the fact that until now it is more profitable for housing and public utilities companies to purchase finished foreign products than to participate in the development of their own production.
Key words
water and wastewater systems , water industry , fundamental and applied scientific studies , federal target programs
UDC 504.064 DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.01.02
Rublevskaya O. N., Lysova Tat’iana, Il’meneva Veronika
Experience of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» in eliminating HELCOM hot spots in the light of the development of the Russian environmental legislation
The activities implemented by SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» to fulfill the recommendations of the Helsinki Convention on the protection of the Baltic Sea against pollution are outlined. The work completion stages on eliminating the discharge of raw wastewater into the Gulf of Finland, upgrading and reconstructing the treatment facilities, and improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment are described. The measures taken provided for almost eliminating all the hot spots identified by the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) for St. Petersburg. A comparison of the HELCOM strategy and the progress in developing the Russian environmental legislation is given. The experience of the enterprise in wastewater sludge handling in the light of the implementation of the HELCOM recommendations and Russian legislation is presented. Information is provided on the development of the European legislation in relation to the utilization of useful properties of municipal wastewater sludge. Development patterns are proposed to improve the Russian legislation regarding municipal wastewater sludge handling in order to avoid the emergence of new hot spots.
Key words
HELCOM recommendations , biogenic elements , chemical precipitation of phosphorus , sludge incineration plant , best available techniques (BAT) , technologically regulated substances , hot spots (subspots) , eutrophication , Helsinki Convention , Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) , wastewater sludge handling , nutrients recycling , utilization of the useful sludge properties , recoverable resources , sideline products , circular economy
UDC 628.2/.4:006.3:349.6 DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.01.03
Vereshchagina Lidiia
Standards for designing systems for the removal and treatment of surface runoff and unsettled requirements of the water protection legislation
The statutory regulation of designing engineering structures of the systems for the removal and treatment of surface runoff in communities, and the legislatively unsettled provisions of the current Code of Practice CP 32.13330.2018 «SNiP 2.04.03-85 «Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants» (with amendments No. 1 and 2) of the section «Removal and treatment of surface runoff» are considered. Proposals are made to introduce amendments to Article 60 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation No. 74-FZ and Article 16 of the Federal Law No. 7-FZ «On the Environmental Protection», with account of the specific features of the formation and conditions for the discharge of surface runoff into the public wastewater disposal systems and water bodies.
Key words
surface runoff , systems for the removal and treatment , statutory regulation , design standards , separation chambers , intermediate storage tanks
UDC 628.16.066.1:628.164-92 DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.01.04
Riabchikov Boris, Panteleev Aleksei, Larionov S. Iu., Savochkin Andrei, Shilov Mikhail, Kasatochkin A. S.
Current state of the development of installations for water softening/decarbonization by liming (a review)
Chemical softening methods have been widely used in water treatment to reduce hardness and decarbonize water. The chemistry of the process has remained unchanged for the last 100 years, however, the instrumentation and some nuances of the technology are changing, i. e., the use of devices (lamellar blocks) for stabilizing flow and improving sludge settling, the use of flocculants and introduction of sludge formation centers (recirculation of activated sludge, microsand), etc. A separate method is the adoption of horizontal multi-chamber apparatus with mechanical mixing. This method provides for increasing significantly the capacity and efficiency of the apparatus. Modern ways of development of such apparatus and technologies in the Russian Federation and overseas are considered.
Key words
suspended layer , hardness , water , mixing , chemical water softening , liming , installations
UDC 628.33:628.179.2 DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.01.05
Galkin Iurii, Baskov Evegenii, Ulasovets Evgenii, Obadin Dmitrii, Ermakov Denis, Knaub Elena
Technology for the treatment and use of mixed domestic and industrial wastewater in the industrial water supply system
According to the Terms of Reference of the ironworks, ECO-PROJECT R&D Company developed a physicochemical technology for the treatment of mixed domestic and industrial wastewater based on laboratory studies and pilot tests. The technology provides for reusing the effluent in the industrial water supply system of the ironworks, thus eliminating the discharge into the municipal domestic sewer network. With the help of mathematical modeling according to the methodology of ECO-PROJECT Company, an optimal scheme for using the obtained effluent in the industrial water supply system of the enterprise was developed. The feasibility study proved the environmental and economic efficiency of the implementation of this project.
Key words
disinfection , physical and chemical treatment , mixed domestic and industrial wastewater , industrial water supply system of an enterprise
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.01.06 UDC 544.526:628.169
Pilipenko Marina, Dubina Aleksandr, Likhavitskii Vitalii
Flotation of wastewater from dye works using ozone
The results of experimental studies of the efficiency of purification of model and real wastewater from dye and finishing works with the aid of pneumatic flotation using ozone-air mixture instead of air are presented. The effect of the gas mixture flow rate, dye concentration, and ozone concentration in the gas mixture on the purification efficiency was studied. The purification efficiency was evaluated by optical density and COD. While using ozone-air mixture instead of air, a 12-fold efficiency increase was achieved. The results of the studies have shown that while using ozone flotation to achieve the purification efficiency of 90% of the real wastewater from dye and finishing works, abstracted upstream the treatment facilities (electrocoagulation followed by flotation), the following conditions are required: processing time not less than 60 minutes; consumption of ozone-air mixture not less than 5 l/(l·min); ozone concentration in the ozone-air mixture not less than 8 g/m3.
Key words
wastewater , flotation , dye , ozone , fabric dyeing
UDC 628.381.1 DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.01.07
Matуushenko Evgeny, Trofimchuk Artem
Choosing chemicals for wastewater sludge dewatering at small-scale wastewater treatment facilities
The results of studying the effect of introducing cationic Ultraflok K370 and Ultraflok K390 flocculants with different doses and concentrations of the chemical solution on the efficiency of dewatering aerobically stabilized excess activated sludge in a dehydrator at the wastewater treatment facilities of a cottage village in the Novosibirsk Region are presented. It has been established that Ultraflok K390 flocculant with a 0.1% solution concentration and a flocculant dose of 3.8–4.4 kg/t of dry matter is the optimal chemical for sludge dewatering in a screw dehydrator providing for reducing the sludge moisture content to 81.4–81.7%. Increasing or decreasing the dose and concentration of flocculant solutions results in an increase in moisture content up to 82.1–92.8%. The use of Ultrafloc K370 flocculant provides for achieving 83–84% sludge moisture content at 0.2% solution concentration and chemical dose of 3–3.4 kg/t of dry matter.
Key words
domestic wastewater , flocculant , filter cake , sludge dewatering , dehydrator , sludge treatment
UDC 628.144:532.542 DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.01.08
Prodous O. A., Iakubchik P., Smolin E. S.
Comparative analysis of the international and domestic design dependencies for the hydraulic calculation of metal water pipes with internal deposits
In a specific context a comparative analysis of the standardized European design dependence for the hydraulic calculation of metal water pipes with a diameter of 400 mm was carried out with the empirical formula of Professor F. A. Shevelev updated by the authors for steel pipes with deposits on the inner pipe surface. A significant discrepancy between the values of the characteristics of the hydraulic potential of pipes is shown and the reasons for the discrepancy are established. For the given example, graphs have been constructed showing the difference in the values of the hydraulic slope of the pipes at different flow rates.
Key words
hydraulic design , steel water pipes , deposit layer , design dependencies , comparison of the results