Tag:sludge incineration plant


155th anniversary of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»

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UDC 628.55(261.24)

Probirsky M. D., Rublevskaya O. N., Lysova Tat’iana

The contribution ofSUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»to Russia fulfilling the international commitments on theBaltic Marine Environment Protection


To meet the recommendations of the Helsinki Commission on the Baltic Marine Environment Protection the experts of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» developed a 5–7 years rehabilitation program for the Ladoga and Onega Lakes basins. The program envisages construction of new or upgrade of the existing municipal and community wastewater treatment facilities; enhanced removal of toxic substances from wastewater at the industrial facilities; efficient processing of livestock and poultry farm wastes with the utilization of their useful properties and energy potential. The progress in implementing measures on abatement of discharging raw wastewater into the Gulf of Finland, upgrade and reconstruction of the wastewater treatment facilities, wastewater treatment efficiency improvement, particularly in relation to the technologies developed by the Universities of Cape Town (UCT) and Johannesburg (JHB) with the use of membrane aerators, mixers, nitrate recycling, and also to the European technology of chemical phosphorus precipitation is described. The dynamics of reducing nutrient loading on the St. Petersburg water bodies is presented. The positive effect of putting into operation the Main tunnel sewer has been achieved. The program of the municipal sewer rehabilitation has been developed and is now underway. The results of activities related to waste and toxic substances removal are presented. The works carried out will contribute to the prevention of the Gulf of Finland eutrophication.

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UDC 628.31.504.3.054

Rublevskaya O. N.

Measures on preventing malodors release at the facilities
of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»


SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» has been introducing and testing different equipment for gas purification with the aim of preventing malodors release at the wastewater facilities. The experience of applying gas purification technologies at these facilities is analyzed. It was determined that the specified features of STOPKR sorption-plasma-catalytic gas purification unit and OPVS biological air oxidizing unit are efficiently used at the sewage pumping stations. The economic inexpedience of using STOPKR method at input concentrations of toxic substances higher than 1 g/m3 is a disadvantage. Testing OPVS filter in sewers showed positive results. The disadvantages of OPVS filter are in clogging of filter elements during operation as well as difficulties in processing multicomponent gas mixtures and mixtures of variable composition because of the specificity of the resulting microbial strains. The results of pilot testing TSUF-2000-400-I gas purification system showed the absence of malodors around sewer wells and convenient operation of the unit. The use of different filters including GreenKomplekt carbon filter-based units did not give any meaningful results. To control odor at the wastewater sludge landfills fine spraying of deodorant solution along the periphery of the landfill was suggested. At the sludge incineration plants exhaust gases pass three-stage purification with the use of electrostatic precipitation. At the wastewater treatment facilities the construction of either entire process flow or partially closed system was suggested. The prospects if introducing various technical and technological methods at each of the wastewater facilities are determined.

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UDC 504.064
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.01.02

Rublevskaya O. N., Lysova Tat’iana, Il’meneva Veronika

Experience of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» in eliminating HELCOM hot spots in the light of the development of the Russian environmental legislation


The activities implemented by SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» to fulfill the recommendations of the Helsinki Convention on the protection of the Baltic Sea against pollution are outlined. The work completion stages on eliminating the discharge of raw wastewater into the Gulf of Finland, upgrading and reconstructing the treatment facilities, and improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment are described. The measures taken provided for almost eliminating all the hot spots identified by the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) for St. Petersburg. A comparison of the HELCOM strategy and the progress in developing the Russian environmental legislation is given. The experience of the enterprise in wastewater sludge handling in the light of the implementation of the HELCOM recommendations and Russian legislation is presented. Information is provided on the development of the European legislation in relation to the utilization of useful properties of municipal wastewater sludge. Development patterns are proposed to improve the Russian legislation regarding municipal wastewater sludge handling in order to avoid the emergence of new hot spots.

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UDC 628.336.71:628.477
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.09.02

Rublevskaya O. N., Lysova Tat’iana, Sarkisov Artem

Sanitary and hygienic estimation of the impact of emissions of sludge incineration plants on the public health in St. Petersburg


The safety of the technologies applied for the disposal of wastewater sludge, in particular, the incineration technology, is confirmed by the results of emission control; it is an extremely important issue in the relationship between the water utilities responsible for this process and population served. The lack of available public data and information on the measures taken to ensure environmental protection and public health in the implementation and operation of sludge incineration technology does not provide for the population estimating to the full extent the current situation in such an important area of the urban economy. Explanations of approaches to sludge disposal and emission control in St. Petersburg are given on the basis of the actual document supported studies.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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