


UDC 628.381.1
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.01.07

Matуushenko Evgeny, Trofimchuk Artem

Choosing chemicals for wastewater sludge dewatering at small-scale wastewater treatment facilities


The results of studying the effect of introducing cationic Ultraflok K370 and Ultraflok K390 flocculants with different doses and concentrations of the chemical solution on the efficiency of dewatering aerobically stabilized excess activated sludge in a dehydrator at the wastewater treatment facilities of a cottage village in the Novosibirsk Region are presented. It has been established that Ultraflok K390 flocculant with a 0.1% solution concentration and a flocculant dose of 3.8–4.4 kg/t of dry matter is the optimal chemical for sludge dewatering in a screw dehydrator providing for reducing the sludge moisture content to 81.4–81.7%. Increasing or decreasing the dose and concentration of flocculant solutions results in an increase in moisture content up to 82.1–92.8%. The use of Ultrafloc K370 flocculant provides for achieving 83–84% sludge moisture content at 0.2% solution concentration and chemical dose of 3–3.4 kg/t of dry matter.

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UDC 628.32.004.1

Boichenko A. A., Gokov I. N., Miasoedov A. IU., Syrnikov E. V.

Local treatment facilities of the Belgorod Abrasive Plant OJSC


In the process of developing local treatment facilities at the Belgorod Abrasive Plant the experts of EkoTON Company used integrated multi-factor approach with exploratory design and adjustment of the facilities to provide for assured efficient wastewater treatment. Carrying our exploratory experimental design was motivated by developing an optimal process flow scheme of the local treatment facilities with account of the set of interrelated factors that determine both process and economic efficiency of their operation. As a result of the survey a process flow scheme was suggested that ensured meeting the standard effluent quality for discharge into the public sewer. The process flow scheme of the Belgorog abrasive plant wastewater treatment is described in details; the expediency of using EKOTON advanced equipment – flotation unit and MDQ screw dehydrator is proved. On the basis of experimental data on raw wastewater and effluent quality the efficiency of treatment was calculated and the parameters required to choose the optimal operation mode of the local treatment facilities were determined. The measurement results showed that the wastewater treatment efficiency has been permanent for the entire period of observing the initial pollution concentrations. This fact gives evidence of the correct choice of the process flow scheme with account of the operating schedule of the plant, pollution form etc. The high efficiency (to 98.2%) of reducing the concentration of grease, oils and oil products proves the optimal chemical dosages and efficient wastewater treatment in the flotation unit. The flocculant consumption is less than 25 kg per month as dry matter at the wastewater flow rate to 6200 m3 per month.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.08.02
UDC 628.32

Getmanskii Artem, Shcherbakova Julia, Kukoba Konstantin

Equipment manufactured by ECOS Group within the frames of the Import Substitution Program: relevance and efficiency


Changes in the financial and economic situation in the country and in the world are pushing companies to develop new and optimize existing technologies. For 15 years, ECOS Group has been manufacturing original block-modular plants with a capacity of up to 1200 m3/day. A new product line of block-modular and container plants with increased productivity up to 7500 m3/day, as well as a product line of own-produced branded electromechanical equipment have been developed. The special design of wastewater treatment plants has a wide range of advantages: high reliability and energy efficiency, stability in operation, seismic resistance and, at the same time, modular flexibility. The assured effective treatment is achieved by means of full equipping and testing of the plant at the manufacturing works. In the process of manufacturing, the Import Substitution Program has been actively used resulting in developing economically competitive, efficiently operating and proven process solutions.

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UDC 628.3:725.42:631.227.2

Lunin S. V., Prokhorova I. V., Rudakova L. E., Melnik D. V.

Enhancement of Treatment Efficiency of Wastewater of JSC Kaluzhskaya Poultry Factory


Features of the treatment of wastewater of meat-processing industry enterprises are described using the example of JSC Kaluzhskaya Poultry Factory purifying the mix of industrial wastewater of the enterprise and household sewage of the Lev Tolstoy village. An optimal flow chart with adoption of local sewage treatment facilities after the poultry factory’s slaughter floor making it possible to enhance the efficiency of treatment is offered and substantiated. A brief description of the flow chart offered is given.

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