Number 9 / 2015
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Danilovich Dmitrii
Drafting a Reference book on the best available technologies in community wastewater treatment
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UDC 628.179.34
Lerner А. D.
Some aspects of the unaccounted-for-water problem in public water supply systems
Until recently the regulatory documents in the Russian Federation have not prescribed any determination of unaccounted-for-water in the public water supply systems. As a guidance manual «The Instructions on Evaluation and Regulation of Unaccounted-for-Water in Public Water Supply Systems» and «Methods of Determining and Regulating Unaccounted-for-Water and Water Losses in Public Water Supply Systems» were used that are not valid by the present moment. These documents had no force since they had not been registered in the RF Ministry of Justice. The mentioned documents were replaced with Order of the RF Ministry of Civil Engineering and Public Utilities No. 640-pr of October 17, 2014 «On the approval of the Methodical Guidelines on the calculation of hot, drinking and process water losses in public water supply systems during treatment and transportation». The advantages and some drawbacks of the Methodical Guidelines are considered. The field of the document application is limited to the development of water supply balance diagrams for the water services companies, whereas the methodologic solution to the unaccounted-for-water problem could provide for substantiating, for examples, the water tariffs, water abstraction limits, and for developing the programs of water and resources conservation for the company itself. Neither the process consumption, nor the losses at the water intakes and their infrastructure facilities were taken into account. The incorporation of the comments presented in the article will provide for finding solutions to most of the problems faced by vodokanals in a more substantiated way.
Key words
unaccounted-for water , water and wastewater systems , process consumption , specific water flow rate , water supply balance
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UDC 628.161
Vasil'ev A. N.
The experience of using «dry» filtration technology in underground water conditioning
Iron, being one of the most abundant elements of the Earth crust, is present almost everywhere in the water of shallow aquifers in the form of soluble compounds, or sometimes in the form of compound organic matter. High concentrations of iron in water cause corrosion and blockages in pipes either directly by forming deposits or indirectly providing the conditions for specific bacterial growth. For this and some other reasons iron is removed from the water from the sources with elevated iron concentrations before supply to the consumers. The examples of the «dry» filtration technology used by the engineering and construction companies of Tver in the process of underground water conditioning are presented. The theoretical basis of the technology was formulated by G. Iu. Asse, expert of NII VODGEO. As a result of the longstanding cooperation with the designers from Tver the process flow scheme of underground water de-ironing was developed together with the process equipment – a set of aero-filters of various capacities. This provided for designing a number of de-ironing installations which surpass by a number of parameters the well-known de-ironing technical solutions implemented in typical and individual projects. Technical solutions developed and implemented in practice provide for placing aero-filters in one building with a booster pumping station, filter media regeneration pumps, a compressor station, UV-disinfection system, and auxiliary rooms.
Key words
deferrization , ground water , aquifer , «dry» filtration , aero-filter , gravel media , dirt holding capacity of the media
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UDC 628.166
Zhuravkova I. V.
Import substitution in full play
According to the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation the economic model of the country development shall be restructured to provide for the import substitution of the technologies applied in strategically significant branches using internal sources. «Nevskii Crystal» Research and Production Company has developed and manufactured a wide assortment of electrolyzers for producing and dosing low concentrated electrolytic sodium hypochlorite. The units conform fully to the international standards.
Key words
sodium hypochlorite , water treatment , water disinfection , electrolyzer , import substitution
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UDC 504.064
Applying the Best Available Technologies concept in the substantiation of the system of engineering protection of natural water from pollution
The contemporary science-methodical and regulatory base supposes the wide application of the Best Available Technologies principle including the implementation of environmental protection activities. As a result of studies and model simulations three basic causes of underground and surface water pollution on the considered territory of the Sosnovsk oil deposit in the Samara Area were identified: fracking that includes discharging produced and waste water into the stratum; industrial waste leakages from cushion holes and service wells; leakages from distribution pipelines and tanks with the subsequent filtration through the aeration zone into underground and surface waters. A mathematical model of underground water filtration with establishing a specialized information system was developed. Simulating filtration in operating strata where industrial wastewater is pumped provides for evaluating the pressure of the stratum and, consequently, the so-called adverse effect level that is determined by the ratio of the pressure in the stratum to the fracking pressure. The calculations of underground water filtration were carried out both under stationary and non-stationary conditions with the use of MODFLOW Model. The basic conceptual framework of the Best Available Technologies principle as applied to the problem of designing the systems of engineering protection of underground and surface water from pollution is presented. The example of implementing the presented conceptual framework in the location of landfills for produced and waste water discharges in the Samara Area is given. It was determined that the best option shall be chosen on the basis of the business and economic calculations.
Key words
ground water , drainage , mathematical model , surface water , best available technology , protection from pollution
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UDC 628.35:661.5
Lemaire Romain, Zhao Hong, Thomson Chris, Christensson Magnus, Piveteau Simon, Hemmingsen Steen, Veuillet Frederic, Zozor Philippe, Ochoa Juan
Mainstream deammonification with ANITA™Mox Process
ANITA™Mox process is a single-stage deammonification process utilizing moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) technology. Previous studies demonstrated that Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) configurationwas an effective approach to improve the ANITA™Mox performance for sidestream treatment. In this study, IFAS ANITA™Mox was successfully applied as a mainstream process to treat secondary effluent with low COD content at both pilot- and prototype-scale. The IFAS ANITA™Mox unique feature of easy and robust separation system (i. e. media sieves) to retain anammox biomass in the reactor is a clear advantage for mainstream application. Continuous bioaugmentation strategies based on carriers recirculation and alternating feed between sidestream and mainstream have been developed to boost anammox activity and strongly repress the NOB. Preliminary pilot trialson low COD effluent from C-stage MBBR achieved NH4 removal rate of 1.4 g/(m2·d) at 23°C. Results from a 50 m3 prototype where thebioaugmentation strategy was implemented show efficient suppression of the NOB activity while achieving a N-removal rate up to 0.3 kg/(m3·d) at 18°C after only a few months of operation which is already higher than what is commonly achieved in conventional activated sludge systems. Additional studies are underway to further demonstrate the advantage of the IFAS ANITA™Mox process for mainstream deammonification application and how this process can be integrated in a general WWTP scheme to deliver all the foresee benefits on energy recovery and OPEX savings.
Key words
biofilm , anammox , ANITA™Mox , deammonification , IFAS , mainstream , MBBR , nitritation , sidestream
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UDC 628.292:628.214
European experience in upgrading sewers
About 15 years ago a project of upgrading the sewer system of the Usedom Island (Germany) was launched. Since the island is a health resort the incoming wastewater in sewers has been characterized by seasonal variations: in summer the amount of wastewater increases approximately twice, whereas in winter the amount of wastewater is low; however of more aggressive quality. From economic considerations pressure sewers were chosen. The optimum pressure in the sewers even during high season is maintained by Wilo pumping units. Reliable and continuous operation of the pumps is provided by the use of Wilo – EMUport solid particle separation system.
Key words
wastewater , sewerage pumping station , pressure sewer , solid particle separation system
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UDC 628.292.004.69
Butko A. V., Posupon'ko S. V.
Optimization of wastewater pumping station operation
The operation of wastewater pumping stations requires attention and understanding of the life cycle of the facilities and equipment. As a rule, the facilities put into operation and designed for the calculated amount of wastewater for a long time cannot reach the rated capacity. This is due to more efficient drinking water consumption by the population, low rate of housing development and sale on the territories served by the wastewater pumping stations, reduction and even termination of wastewater discharge by the industrial enterprises. The method of studying the operation of the wastewater pumping stations, selecting the optimal parameters of the home-made pumping units is presented. The implementation of the optimized work schedule for three units with a rated capacity of 1400, 350 and 320 m3/h provided for reducing the number of turns-on of the pumping units and 23% energy saving. At the same time the changes in the work schedule of the downstream transfer wastewater pumping station and 10–12% reduction in the power consumption were registered. The actual cost payback period was less than one year.
Key words
wastewater , sewerage pumping station , power consumption , economic efficiency , method of studying
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UDC 628.356.1:621.61
Posupon'ko S. V., Sagakov I. O., Butko A. V.
Optimization of the power consumption at the air blower house of «Rostov Wastewater Treatment Plant» Production Facility
The air blower house is the main electric consumer at the wastewater treatment facilities. Possible ways of energy saving at the Rostov Wastewater Treatment Plant are considered. With this purpose the measures aimed at the optimization of the operation of TSNV 800/1,6 centrifugal air pump were taken. As part of the studies the operation of the air blower house in winter period was investigated together with the possible power efficient mode of TSNV 800/1,6 centrifugal air pump operation using the method of gate valve throttling at the suction pipe. The tests showed that 60° opening the throttling vale provided for the most efficient operation of the blower. During the tests the stable and efficient operation of TSNV 800/1,6 blower at 90 to 60° reduction of the opening angle of the throttling valve with the reduction of the power consumption. Basing on the results of the studies the schedules determining the method of operation of the blowers at the wastewater treatment plant were developed.
Key words
sewerage treatment facilities , power saving , air-blowing house , centrifugal air pump , throttling valve