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UDC 628.35:661.5

Kevbrina M. V., Dorofeev A. G., Agarev Anton, KOZLOV M. N., Nikolaev Yu. A., Aseyeva V. G.

Anammox – an advanced technology of nitrogen removal from wastewater


The first in Russia Anammox-type technology has been developed in «Mosvodokanal» JSC in cooperation with «Fundamental Principles of Biotechnology» Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The technology is designed for the treatment of filtrate of centrifuges for digested wastewater sludge dewatering. The technology is based on the microbiological process of ammonium oxidation with nitrite under anoxic conditions. Since this process does not require organics Anammox can be considered as the most economical technology for processing industrial effluents in which organic matter is absent or in deficiency, for example, effluents of nitrogen-fertilizer plants, livestock or poultry production farms  etc. Besides, studies are carried out and Anammox technologies are being developed for wastewater treatment at low temperatures (cold Anammox) as well as for using this process in common wastewater (not nitrogen-concentrated) treatment (Anammox in the main process line). Since anammox-bacteria are easily separated from liquid (being a part of immobilized biofilms or granules) and can be adapted to a wide range of operating conditions, Anammox technology without any doubt is a promising technology of removing nitrogen from different wastewater.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.04.04
UDC 628.355

Zoubov M. G., Vilson Elena, Litvinenko Viacheslav, Kadrevich Artem

Biological treatment of surface runoff from industrial sites
in bioreactors with brush media


Surface runoff from industrial sites differs not only in the irregularity in formation, but also in the concentration of specific substances typical for the production process, as well as in the pollution concentrations changing over time. For example, surface runoff from airfields during the cold season contains anti-icing fluids, most of these contain ethylene glycol. Surface runoff of fertilizer factories contain high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds and low concentrations of organic pollutants identified by BOD. Biological treatment of this runoff in vitro is not carried out, as a rule. The results of studies by «ECOSTECH» R&D Center (a company of ECOS Group) are presented, indicating the feasibility of biological treatment of this type of surface runoff using immobilized bacterial cultures on a biomass carrier – brush media. The attached biomass is specified by the bacterial cells immersed in the matrix remaining active for a long time under the conditions of the absence of wastewater or contaminants to which the biocenosis is oriented. Once the supply of wastewater with high concentrations of ethylene glycol is resumed, the bioreactor reaches the regime of biodegradation within a week eliminating the introduction of a special bacterial culture into the facility. According to the studies, reaching the stationary operating conditions of the bioreactor with brush media for all indicators (ethylene glycol, COD, BOD5, nitrogen forms) takes less than nine days. Also presented are the results of studies on the treatment of surface runoff from fertilizer production enterprises or fertilizer terminals. Biological treatment of this type of surface runoff is specified by the use of the Anammox process.

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UDC 628.35:661.5

Lemaire Romain, Zhao Hong, Thomson Chris, Christensson Magnus, Piveteau Simon, Hemmingsen Steen, Veuillet Frederic, Zozor Philippe, Ochoa Juan

Mainstream deammonification with ANITA™Mox Process


ANITA™Mox process is a single-stage deammonification process utilizing moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) technology. Previous studies demonstrated that Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) configurationwas an effective approach to improve the ANITA™Mox performance for sidestream treatment. In this study, IFAS ANITA™Mox was successfully applied as a mainstream process to treat secondary effluent with low COD content at both pilot- and prototype-scale. The IFAS ANITA™Mox unique feature of easy and robust separation system (i. e. media sieves) to retain anammox biomass in the reactor is a clear advantage for mainstream application. Continuous bioaugmentation strategies based on carriers recirculation and alternating feed between sidestream and mainstream have been developed to boost anammox activity and strongly repress the NOB. Preliminary pilot trialson low COD effluent from C-stage MBBR achieved NH4 removal rate of 1.4 g/(m2·d) at 23°C. Results from a 50 m3 prototype where thebioaugmentation strategy was implemented show efficient suppression of the NOB activity while achieving a N-removal rate up to 0.3 kg/(m3·d) at 18°C after only a few months of operation which is already higher than what is commonly achieved in conventional activated sludge systems. Additional studies are underway to further demonstrate the advantage of the IFAS ANITA™Mox process for mainstream deammonification application and how this process can be integrated in a general WWTP scheme to deliver all the foresee benefits on energy recovery and OPEX savings.

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UDC 628.35:661.5:547.789.724

Kofman V. Ya.

Advanced methods of removing nitrogen from wastewater
(a review)


In the context of natural mineral and energy resource shortage the research and industrial practice in many countries are focused on using wastewater for domestic and industrial needs, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) for agriculture and also energy feedstock that provides for the energy generation levels that exceed the demand of the treatment facilities. The energy-efficient approaches developed in recent decades for the biological removal of nitrogen from wastewater are considered: partial nitrification-Anammox for the treatment of return flows of anaerobic sludge digestion and the main wastewater flow; DEAMOX for co-processing of municipal wastewater and wastewater with a high nitrate content; CANDO for direct energy recovery based on nitrogen-containing wastewater components; ANITA SHUNT for wastewater treatment with a low COD/N ratio; ANITA MOX carried out in the MBBR reactor that ensures simultaneous partial nitrification and Anammox process. In order to effectively promote these technological processes intensive research is being conducted in the field of studying microbial ecology and the mechanism of metabolic processes, increasing the stability of processes and energy recovery efficiency, developing combined flow schemes for recovering energy and nutrients, and also modeling biochemical processes.

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