


DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.04.04
UDC 628.355

Zoubov M. G., Vilson Elena, Litvinenko Viacheslav, Kadrevich Artem

Biological treatment of surface runoff from industrial sites
in bioreactors with brush media


Surface runoff from industrial sites differs not only in the irregularity in formation, but also in the concentration of specific substances typical for the production process, as well as in the pollution concentrations changing over time. For example, surface runoff from airfields during the cold season contains anti-icing fluids, most of these contain ethylene glycol. Surface runoff of fertilizer factories contain high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds and low concentrations of organic pollutants identified by BOD. Biological treatment of this runoff in vitro is not carried out, as a rule. The results of studies by «ECOSTECH» R&D Center (a company of ECOS Group) are presented, indicating the feasibility of biological treatment of this type of surface runoff using immobilized bacterial cultures on a biomass carrier – brush media. The attached biomass is specified by the bacterial cells immersed in the matrix remaining active for a long time under the conditions of the absence of wastewater or contaminants to which the biocenosis is oriented. Once the supply of wastewater with high concentrations of ethylene glycol is resumed, the bioreactor reaches the regime of biodegradation within a week eliminating the introduction of a special bacterial culture into the facility. According to the studies, reaching the stationary operating conditions of the bioreactor with brush media for all indicators (ethylene glycol, COD, BOD5, nitrogen forms) takes less than nine days. Also presented are the results of studies on the treatment of surface runoff from fertilizer production enterprises or fertilizer terminals. Biological treatment of this type of surface runoff is specified by the use of the Anammox process.

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UDC 628.353.001.2

Shuvalov M. V., Strelkov A. K., Shouvalov R. M.

Biological wastewater treatment in disk biofilters


The analysis of the results of investigating geometrical, physical, chemical and biological parameters of biofilm in disk biofilters alongside with domestic wastewater treatment efficiency with the use of disk biofilters at the existing wastewater treatment facilities is presented. The data on the disk biofilter process conditions are required for calculating this type of equipment when designing wastewater treatment facilities.

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UDC 628.353:661.5

Iantsen O. V.

Enhanced wastewater treatment with nitrogen compounds removal  in biofilters


Biofilters mainly built in Russia in 1960–1970-ies in most cases are a part of small-scale treatment facilities. At present most biofilters are in serviceable condition (owing to the specific design), however they provide for incomplete biological treatment. The results of the laboratory studies of the wastewater treatment technology in biofilters are presented. Several process flow schemes are considered, optimal modes of the facilities‘ operation are suggested. The properties of different filter media were studied. The advantages and drawbacks of the technologies and media studied are noted. Health-related and chemical parameters of the water treated are set. The diagrams that reflect running processes of nitrification-denitrification are presented. The use of a two-stage four-zone process flow scheme of biological wastewater treatment is substantiated. The suggested process flow scheme will provide for the wide use of biofilters both in upgrading the existing facilities and in designing new ones.

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UDC 628.35:661.5

Lemaire Romain, Zhao Hong, Thomson Chris, Christensson Magnus, Piveteau Simon, Hemmingsen Steen, Veuillet Frederic, Zozor Philippe, Ochoa Juan

Mainstream deammonification with ANITA™Mox Process


ANITA™Mox process is a single-stage deammonification process utilizing moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) technology. Previous studies demonstrated that Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) configurationwas an effective approach to improve the ANITA™Mox performance for sidestream treatment. In this study, IFAS ANITA™Mox was successfully applied as a mainstream process to treat secondary effluent with low COD content at both pilot- and prototype-scale. The IFAS ANITA™Mox unique feature of easy and robust separation system (i. e. media sieves) to retain anammox biomass in the reactor is a clear advantage for mainstream application. Continuous bioaugmentation strategies based on carriers recirculation and alternating feed between sidestream and mainstream have been developed to boost anammox activity and strongly repress the NOB. Preliminary pilot trialson low COD effluent from C-stage MBBR achieved NH4 removal rate of 1.4 g/(m2·d) at 23°C. Results from a 50 m3 prototype where thebioaugmentation strategy was implemented show efficient suppression of the NOB activity while achieving a N-removal rate up to 0.3 kg/(m3·d) at 18°C after only a few months of operation which is already higher than what is commonly achieved in conventional activated sludge systems. Additional studies are underway to further demonstrate the advantage of the IFAS ANITA™Mox process for mainstream deammonification application and how this process can be integrated in a general WWTP scheme to deliver all the foresee benefits on energy recovery and OPEX savings.

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UDC 628.147.23

Tchoukhin V. A., Andrianov A. P.

On the possible identification of biocorrosion in water supply systems


The results of the analysis of the literature data and in-house studies of steel cold and hot water pipelines subject to internal corrosion are presented. The common factor for all the studied samples was the occurrence of corrosion tubercles along the pipe inside perimeter. The study of tubercular deposits with the help of scanning electron microscopy allowed identifying four typical zones: base, core, hard coat and thin surface layer. These zones differ in structure and chemical composition. The mechanism of electrochemical and microbial induced corrosion of steel pipes is described. It is assumed that the zone under the tubercle consists of numerous corrosion electrochemical elements. On the outer edge of a tubercle corrosion occurs with oxygen depolarization, whereas inside – with hydrogen one; at that, the potentials arising during oxygen depolarization are producing a dominant effect on the formation of the outer dense layer. The hypothesis of the mechanism of tubercular deposits growth and their typical morphology is presented. On the basis of studying the properties of the deposit samples taken from the operating pipelines with the purpose of restoring the conditions of their formation the assumption on the dominant effect of microbial induced corrosion on the pipe material was made. Identification of the bacteria role in corrosion process, apart from the direct observations, can be made on the basis of determining crystalline ferric oxides formed on the surface of bacterial cell remains and their magnetosomes. The definite answer to the question on the decisive role of bacteria in corrosion of metal pipelines requires further studies.

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UDC 628.16.08

Samsonova S. P., Sergienko A. I., Shalimova E. V., Niakin M. A., Thielemann Joachim

Removal of microbiological pollutants and biofilms from water  in water recycling systems of different purpose


The choice of the technology of inactivation of uncontrolled microbiological activity in the process of water and wastewater treatment has been of primary importance. Microbiological pollutants rank first in the assessment of the risk level for the human health as well as of the risk of economic losses for all the industrial sites having recycled water cooling systems. Water chlorination is the most commonly used method of microorganism control. Drinking water chlorination has been used since 1870-ies and up to the present time; however either this method or any other (boiling, ozonation, ultraviolet irradiation, ultrasound disinfection etc.) do not provide for removing biofilms. The technologies with the use of catalytic units for recycling water treatment are described that provide not only for remo­ving microorganisms from water systems but above all for removing and preventing from further biofilm formation as microorganism life environment. The backbone of the technologies has been the formation on the surface of nonconsumable metal catalyzer of active biotenzides (biological surface-active substances of natural origin that are capable of removing biological pollutants from closed-loop water recycling systems including biofilms on the equipment, pipe surfaces etc. As an illustration of introducing the technologies of catalytic water treatment in water systems the use of units for water purification in the hot water supply systems of Kirovsk, Murmansk Area, with the purpose of eliminating strong offensive odor (cause by the pollution of the hot water supply systems with sulfate reducing bacteria and, correspondingly, by the emission of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans) is described. The use of catalytic water treatment units provided for eliminating odor in the hot water supply system of Kirovsk to the standards of SanPiN

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.08.07
UDC 628.35:351.814.1

Kadrevich Artem, Vilson Elena, Litvinenko Viacheslav

Airport surface wastewater treatment


Nowadays the problem of pollution of surface wastewater from the territory of airports with aircraft anti-icing products (ethylene glycol) and products of anti-icing treatment of solid surfaces (formates and acetates) is gaining more and more publicity. The damage to water resources can no longer be hidden, since the residents of residential area close to the airport pay attention to dying flora and fauna, changes in the color and smell of the rivers receiving discharged raw wastewater. The lack of understanding among engineering companies of how this problem can be solved gives no way to the airports to do this. An analysis of the world experience of airports related to the treatment of surface wastewater contaminated with ethylene glycol is given. The process flow scheme of biological and physicochemical wastewater treatment developed by the process engineers of «ECOS» JSC, taking into account the regulatory requirements accepted in the Russian Federation, is presented.

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DOI 10/35776/MNP.2019.09.08
UDC 628.353:661.5

Iantsen O. V.

Advanced solutions for the reconstruction of small-scale wastewater treatment facilities: design and calculation


The advanced solutions proposed for the reconstruction of small wastewater treatment facilities that contain biofilters are considered. The peakpoint of designing and constructing biofilters occurred in the 1960–1970s. At present biological filters are often used for wastewater treatment. It is proposed to use them again as the basic treatment facilities. These structures, as a rule, are structurally reinforced concrete tanks; so it is advisable to develop new process flow schemes taking into account the use of existing structures. Three process flow schemes with different combinations of nitrification and denitrification zones are considered. Graphic results of sanitary and technical analyses of a number of indicators are presented on the basis of which sufficient purification efficiency is shown that allows discharging effluents into fishery water bodies. A method for calculating biofilters for specific media materials is proposed. It is concluded that the height of the structure depends not only on the required level of purification, the parameters of the incoming water but also on the type and size of the media material. The proposed process flow schemes will provide for the wider use of biofilters both in the reconstruction of existing and in the design of new treatment facilities.

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