

UDC 66.063.8
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.01.05

Bazhenov V. I.

Agitators for mixing wastewater and natural waters: standardization (for discussion)


The national standardization plans for 2024 include the new GOST R «Mixing devices for wastewater». Its purpose is to fill the gap in wastewater treatment. The purpose of this analysis is to consider problems based on the domestic and foreign experience and form proposals for the development of a national standard. The most significant results of industry-specific domestic technologies with agitators and current standards are analyzed. The following were subjected to detailed analysis: the international standard ISO 21630:2007 Pumps – Testing – Submersible mixers for wastewater and similar applications; the national standard of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) GB/T 33566-2017 Pusher submersible agitator, which is mandatory. The bench tests of agitators are considered. The current PRC non-regulatory industry standards: HJ/T 279-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product – Pusher submersible agitator and CJ/T 109-2007 Submersible agitator are also considered. Differences in approaches have been identified. The CFD modeling method is not an engineering tool for working on a project, but is intended for scientific substantiation of reliability. The main experience is concentrated in manufacturing companies that own confidential corporate documents: the method of calculating agitators according to mixing parameters, software for calculations with limited access, guidelines for positioning in tanks. The competition does not always allow manufacturing companies to make public the technical features of devices and software for calculations. The proposals include a recommendation to support the established practice in the Russian Federation based on the use of the international standard ISO 21630:2007 with parameter Thrust (N); to hold a public discussion of the goals and scope of the expected GOST R standard; to support the goals contributing to the production of agitators in the Russian Federation (the list is provided).

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For citation: Bazhenov V. I. Agitators for mixing wastewater and natural waters: standardization (for discussion). Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2025, no. 1, pp. 40–49. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2025.01.05. (In Russian).

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