DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.09.01 UDC 628.1/2:550.8.02
Gogina Elena, Orlov V. А., Volkov A. A., Chizhik K. I.
Water supply and wastewater disposal: yesterday, today and tomorrow
The article is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal at the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. Almost age-old traditions are carefully preserved and developed by the Department of Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal. A brief overview of the establishment and development of the specialty «Water supply and wastewater disposal» in Russia is also given. The immediacy of the problems of this important industry in society is noted. It is told about people who have made a significant contribution to the development of the specialty, the training of students and scientific and teaching staff of the country. The research carried out by the staff of the department «Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal» corresponds both to the traditions of the established scientific schools and the current problems of public utilities and industrial water resources. The results of research work have been implemented at the facilities of many cities, not only in Russia, but also abroad.
Key words
water and wastewater management , scientific school , training , scientific research
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УДК 658.155:628.1/.2
Fomin A. V.
The concept of water and wastewater utilities upgrade management
Basic reserves of improving the efficiency of water and wastewater utilities are summarized. The concept of water and wastewater utility upgrade management is substantiated and three main stages are identified, i. e. demand management; dynamic engineering investments in the upgrade of water treatment, power equipment and shabby pipelines with the involvement of targeted debt financing; sustainable development with equity financing. The expediency of the upgrade budgetary financing is considered.
Key words
modernization , efficiency , water and wastewater management , investments , budgetary financing , cost reduction reserves
UDC 66.063.8 DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.01.05
Bazhenov V. I.
Agitators for mixing wastewater and natural waters: standardization (for discussion)
The national standardization plans for 2024 include the new GOST R «Mixing devices for wastewater». Its purpose is to fill the gap in wastewater treatment. The purpose of this analysis is to consider problems based on the domestic and foreign experience and form proposals for the development of a national standard. The most significant results of industry-specific domestic technologies with agitators and current standards are analyzed. The following were subjected to detailed analysis: the international standard ISO 21630:2007 Pumps – Testing – Submersible mixers for wastewater and similar applications; the national standard of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) GB/T 33566-2017 Pusher submersible agitator, which is mandatory. The bench tests of agitators are considered. The current PRC non-regulatory industry standards: HJ/T 279-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product – Pusher submersible agitator and CJ/T 109-2007 Submersible agitator are also considered. Differences in approaches have been identified. The CFD modeling method is not an engineering tool for working on a project, but is intended for scientific substantiation of reliability. The main experience is concentrated in manufacturing companies that own confidential corporate documents: the method of calculating agitators according to mixing parameters, software for calculations with limited access, guidelines for positioning in tanks. The competition does not always allow manufacturing companies to make public the technical features of devices and software for calculations. The proposals include a recommendation to support the established practice in the Russian Federation based on the use of the international standard ISO 21630:2007 with parameter Thrust (N); to hold a public discussion of the goals and scope of the expected GOST R standard; to support the goals contributing to the production of agitators in the Russian Federation (the list is provided).
Key words
natural and waste water , water and wastewater management , State Standard (GOST) , submersible agitator , mixing device , national standard
DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.03.01 UDC 628.2
Primin Oleg
On the development of Technical Regulations on the safety of water distribution and sewer networks of public water supply and wastewater disposal systems (for discussion)
The issues of reliability of pipelines of water and sewer networks of Russian cities and settlements are considered. Considerations (by way of discussion) on the need for the development and adoption of Technical Regulations on the safety of water and sewer networks of public water supply and wastewater disposal systems are presented. The Technical Regulations will establish the requirements to water and sewer networks that will be mandatory for use and compliance on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is noted that the water industry in Russia is currently lacking a uniform system developed on the basis of the practice of applying mandatory requirements to pipe products used in water and sewer networks and their mandatory certification. The scope of application of such Technical Regulations is proposed, i. e. networks of public systems of cold water supply and wastewater disposal (sewerage) at all stages of their life cycle, as well as materials and articles, pipes, fittings, manholes and related processes of design, construction, operation, maintenance, current repairs and overhaul works, conservation and abandonment of water supply and sewer networks.
Key words
reliability , pipeline , water supply and sewerage networks , water and wastewater management , regulations , requirements
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UDC 628.14:62-523
Ageev M. K.
Current trends in water supply optimization (review)
The main aspects of introducing SCADA-systems for automated control of water supply and wastewater disposal processes: synchronization of software with the installed control systems; erection of a programmable logic controller, introduction of algorithms of systemic optimization, synchronization of the telemetry system and control system at the facilities are considered. The basic technical factors (e. g. when a programmable logic controller and RTU blocks have been already connected to the centralized control system; the availability of separate algorithms at RTU-block level) that shall be taken into account when making a decision on the introduction and in the process of designing automated control systems as well as the principles of SCADA system operation by a special operating department are described. By the example of the companies that have introduced SCADA-systems for water and wastewater industry an analysis of the results in terms of absolute and relative indices is given. The capacity of some pumping stations operated by EBMUD Company was improved by more than 27%. During the first week of the system operation WSSC Company registered about 400 dollars per day cost cutting just at one of the pumping stations. For the second week this amount increased to 570 dollars per day and for the third week exceeded 1000 dollars per day. Similar effect was noted at other 17 pumping stations. Thus, SCADA-systems contribute to financial advantages by optimized and improved efficient control of water supply and wastewater disposal processes. The use of the relative international experience for the project implementation in Russia has been an effective solution.
Key words
automated control system , water and wastewater management , SCADA-system , plant management , automated accounting
UDC 628.1/.3:331.363.7 DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.05.03
Lebedeva Aleksandra, Petrova Liudmila
The Association of Living Water Engineers as a modern response to the challenges of water supply and sanitation industry
The article is devoted to the unique approach of the Association of Living Water Engineers, which provides for the unity of water supply and sanitation specialists for interaction in order to develop the industry. Based on the analysis of industry problems, the authors point to the preconditions for the creation of the Association of Living Water Engineers. Much attention is given to the aspects of internal communications and interaction among specialists. The authors report on the main achievements and innovations introduced within the community during the year of its existence.
Key words
water and wastewater management , skill improvement , Charter of the Association of Living Water Engineers , All-Russian engineering competition , book club , project «ViVAT!»
DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.06.05 UDC 001.89:628.1/.4
Prodous O. A., Shipilov A. A., Iakubchik P.
Efficient management structure of sectoral science in the field of water supply and wastewater disposal (by way of discussion)
The analysis of the management structure of the water supply and wastewater disposal sector applied in the country is given. The shortcomings of this system are shown. A new organization scheme for the management of water supply and wastewater disposal is proposed. The general principles and main directions are described. The proposed scheme for organizing the management of water supply and wastewater disposal will allow the state authorities (Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation): to sort out priorities in the implementation of ambitious national projects in the regions of the country; plan and prioritize the investment of financial resources for the implementation of these projects; ensure, through expert examination of the projects, their current technical and technology level; guarantee and reasonably ensure the energy efficiency of the projects. It is proposed to prepare information on the developed scheme of the sectoral management to be considered on the legislative level.
Key words
water and wastewater management , sectoral management scheme , efficiency of science , financing , national project