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UDC 628.14:62-523

Ageev M. K.

Current trends in water supply optimization


The main aspects of introducing SCADA-systems for automated control of water supply and wastewater disposal processes: synchronization of software with the installed control systems; erection of a programmable logic controller, introduction of algorithms of systemic optimization, synchronization of the telemetry system and control system at the facilities are considered. The basic technical factors (e. g. when a programmable logic controller and RTU blocks have been already connected to the centralized control system; the availability of separate algorithms at RTU-block level) that shall be taken into account when making a decision on the introduction and in the process of designing automated control systems as well as the principles of SCADA system operation by a special operating department are described. By the example of the companies that have introduced SCADA-systems for water and wastewater industry an analysis of the results in terms of absolute and relative indices is given. The capacity of some pumping stations operated by EBMUD Company was improved by more than 27%. During the first week of the system operation WSSC Company registered about 400 dollars per day cost cutting just at one of the pumping stations. For the second week this amount increased to 570 dollars per day and for the third week exceeded 1000 dollars per day. Similar effect was noted at other 17 pumping stations. Thus, SCADA-systems contribute to financial advantages by optimized and improved efficient control of water supply and wastewater disposal processes. The use of the relative international experience for the project implementation in Russia has been an effective solution.

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  4. Sotelo A., von Lcken C., Barn B. Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms in pump scheduling optimisation: Proceedings of the third international conference on Engineering computational technology. Stirling, Scotland, 2002, pp. 175–176.

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