

DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.06.05
UDC 001.89:628.1/.4

Prodous O. A., Shipilov A. A., Iakubchik P.

Efficient management structure of sectoral science in the field of water supply and wastewater disposal (by way of discussion)


The analysis of the management structure of the water supply and wastewater disposal sector applied in the country is given. The shortcomings of this system are shown. A new organization scheme for the management of water supply and wastewater disposal is proposed. The general principles and main directions are described. The proposed scheme for organizing the management of water supply and wastewater disposal will allow the state authorities (Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation): to sort out priorities in the implementation of ambitious national projects in the regions of the country; plan and prioritize the investment of financial resources for the implementation of these projects; ensure, through expert examination of the projects, their current technical and technology level; guarantee and reasonably ensure the energy efficiency of the projects. It is proposed to prepare information on the developed scheme of the sectoral management to be considered on the legislative level.

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  2. Pupyrev E. I., Samburskii G. A. [Wastewater disposal systems in the Baikal natural zone]. Ekologiia i Promyshlennost Rossii, 2018, v. 22, no. 7, pp. 4–10. (In Russian).

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