

UDC 697.35
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.01.06

Talipov Rustem, Duniushkin Andrei, Svetlakov Iakov, Райзер Ю. С., Zentsov Viacheslav

Study of the nature of mechanical destruction of a cast iron radiator should there be a water surge in a heating system


One of the types of failures in heating systems is a heating medium leak due to depressurization of heating systems. It may be caused by mechanical destruction of heating system elements (for example, a heating device) due to the occurrence of water surge. The work objective was studying the nature of the destruction of a cast-iron radiator should there be a water surge in the heating system. The theoretical foundations of the water surge occurrence were analyzed. A test bench simulating the occurrence of a water surge in a heating system was used for the research. A series of bench tests was conducted, the characteristics of damage to a cast-iron radiator due to the occurrence of a water surge in the heating system were determined, the analysis of the broken-up sections of the cast-iron radiator was given, and conclusions were drawn based on the results of the study. It was shown that the nature of the destruction of a cast-iron radiator in a heating system as a result of a water surge had unique features: the remote sections relative to the heating medium supply side were subject to the destruction; the destruction occurred in the central part of the radiator section; flat sections with an area of 10–15 cm2 broke off the radiator section.

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For citation: Talipov R. A., Duniushkin A. E., Svetlakov Ia. I., Raizer Iu. S., Zentsov V. N. Study of the nature of mechanical destruction of a cast iron radiator should there be a water surge in a heating system. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2025, no. 1, pp. 50–53. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2025.01.06. (In Russian).

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