

UDC 628.16.08
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.01.01

Belyak А. А., GERASIMOV M. M., Sverdlikov Aleksandr, SMIRNOV A. D.

Estimating the effect of VPK-402 flocculant-coagulant on the sorption properties of powdered activated carbon in the process of water treatment


The results of laboratory tests on estimating the effect of VPK-402 organic flocculant-coagulant on the sorption capacity of powdered activated carbon in relation to phenol in the process of natural water treatment using the technologies adopted by the water utilities are presented. The results showed that the effect on the sorption efficiency depended not so much on the point of VPK-402 injection – upstream or downstream the point of powdered activated carbon injection, as on the time of it contacting with water containing phenol. The minimum decrease of the purification efficiency of 3.2–4.5% was observed upon 60-minute contact with powdered activated carbon, regardless of the injection of the flocculant – before or after the injection of the sorbent. With a short contact with powdered activated carbon (2 minutes), a decrease in the efficiency of removing phenol by 7.8–16% was observed compared to blank tests without the use of a flocculant.

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For citation: Belyak A. A., Gerasimov M. M., Sverdlikov A. A., Smirnov A. D. Estimating the effect of VPK-402 flocculant-coagulant on the sorption properties of powdered activated carbon in the process of water treatment. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2025, no. 1, pp. 6–11. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2025.01.01. (In Russian).

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