Number 5 / 2019
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UDC 66.045.53
Merentsov N. A., Lebedev V. N., Persidskii A. V., Golovanchikov A. B., Kashirin S. E., Kashirina Iu. A.
Heat-mass-exchange packing for evaporative cooling with a developed drip irrigation mode (to be discussed)
A new heat-mass-exchange packing supporting an intensive drip flow mode for evaporative cooling of water in the water recycling systems of industrial enterprises is presented. The data of an experimental study in the field of hydrodynamics of a new cascade heat-mass-exchange packing supporting intensive drip flow mode are given. The characteristics of the packing device are given in comparison with packings that have received wide industrial application. A classification technique for processing experimental data for heat-mass-exchange packings as a criterion dependence of the modified Reynolds criterion on the hydraulic resistance coefficient is presented. The technique provides for a shot time test of packing materials for their industrial use. Heat-mass-exchange packings focused on the process of evaporative cooling of recycling water will extend over a certain range on the graph λ = f(Rem). An algorithm for calculating the main geometrical and process parameters of a small-sized sectional fan-type cooling tower with intensive drip flow modes for cooling industrial recycling water is presented. The prospect of using the developed heat-mass-exchange packings in the form of a module for disinfecting recycling water in the electric field is noted. This will ensure the constancy of the surface properties of the packing elements and the maintenance of the initial hydrodynamic characteristics, as well as will allow partial preventing the biofilm from overgrowing microorganisms of all heat exchange surfaces of the process equipment.
Key words
recycling water system , hydraulic resistance , hydrodynamic mode , heat exchange packing , retaining ability , small-sized cooling tower
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UDC 628.356
Kharkina O. V.
Problems of designing biological treatment facilities with nitrogen and phosphorus removal
Ensuring the quality of effluent to the level of the most stringent regulatory requirements including the maximum permissible concentrations for fishery water bodies is the responsibility not only of engineering companies providing for professionally executed design solutions but also of the customers responsible for correctly compiled technical tasks, professional choice of effective technical and commercial proposals, competent operation of wastewater treatment facilities. The experience of operating wastewater treatment plants using nitrogen and phosphorus removal technologies makes it possible to assert that in this case a professional approach to the selection of contractors and operation on the part of the customers and to the design on the part of the contractors ensures the required quality of effluent. The problems arising at the design stage of wastewater treatment facilities and the choice of technical and commercial proposals are considered. Recommendations for their solution are given. The article is intended both for the process engineers of engineering companies and for the customers of projects who find it difficult to correctly choose the most effective design solution from a large number of proposed technical and commercial proposals.
Key words
wastewater , biological treatment , sewerage treatment facilities , nitrogen and phosphorus , design and calculation of nutrient removal facilities
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UDC 628.35:661.5
Kevbrina M. V., Dorofeev A. G., Agarev Anton, KOZLOV M. N., Nikolaev Yu. A., Aseyeva V. G.
Anammox – an advanced technology of nitrogen removal from wastewater
The first in Russia Anammox-type technology has been developed in «Mosvodokanal» JSC in cooperation with «Fundamental Principles of Biotechnology» Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The technology is designed for the treatment of filtrate of centrifuges for digested wastewater sludge dewatering. The technology is based on the microbiological process of ammonium oxidation with nitrite under anoxic conditions. Since this process does not require organics Anammox can be considered as the most economical technology for processing industrial effluents in which organic matter is absent or in deficiency, for example, effluents of nitrogen-fertilizer plants, livestock or poultry production farms etc. Besides, studies are carried out and Anammox technologies are being developed for wastewater treatment at low temperatures (cold Anammox) as well as for using this process in common wastewater (not nitrogen-concentrated) treatment (Anammox in the main process line). Since anammox-bacteria are easily separated from liquid (being a part of immobilized biofilms or granules) and can be adapted to a wide range of operating conditions, Anammox technology without any doubt is a promising technology of removing nitrogen from different wastewater.
Key words
wastewater , pilot plant , anammox , ammonium removal technology , dewatering centrifuge filtrate , livestock production wastes , chemical plant effluents , low temperature
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UDC 628.33:662.2
Ponomareva O. S., Glushankova Irina, Martynova A. A.
Thermal treatment of wastewater from the production of high-energy compounds
During production of special-purpose products in technological processes and in the synthesis of components of high-energy compounds wastewater containing pollutants in high concentrations is generated; therefore before discharging into sewer networks it shall be preliminary neutralized. The results of studies on the purification of process effluents generated in the production of components of high-energy compounds contaminated with ethanolamine, ethylene diamine, heavy metal ions (nickel and lead) are presented. The analysis of process effluent treatment methods: ozonation, two-stage purification (chemical, adsorption), thermal neutralization was carried out. As a result of thermodynamic analysis and calculation of the processes of thermal destruction of pollutants in highly concentrated effluents technical solutions have been developed and an installation for the thermal disposal of effluent followed by multi-stage flue gas cleaning has been designed. The calculation of the dispersion of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere during the operation of the installation showed that running the process in a preset mode ensured compliance with the standard sanitary and hygienic requirements.
Key words
ozonization , pollutants , adsorption , industrial wastewater , components of high-energy compounds , sulphated coal , thermal treatment
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UDC 628.35:661.5:547.789.724
Kofman V. Ya.
Advanced methods of removing nitrogen from wastewater (a review)
In the context of natural mineral and energy resource shortage the research and industrial practice in many countries are focused on using wastewater for domestic and industrial needs, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) for agriculture and also energy feedstock that provides for the energy generation levels that exceed the demand of the treatment facilities. The energy-efficient approaches developed in recent decades for the biological removal of nitrogen from wastewater are considered: partial nitrification-Anammox for the treatment of return flows of anaerobic sludge digestion and the main wastewater flow; DEAMOX for co-processing of municipal wastewater and wastewater with a high nitrate content; CANDO for direct energy recovery based on nitrogen-containing wastewater components; ANITA SHUNT for wastewater treatment with a low COD/N ratio; ANITA MOX carried out in the MBBR reactor that ensures simultaneous partial nitrification and Anammox process. In order to effectively promote these technological processes intensive research is being conducted in the field of studying microbial ecology and the mechanism of metabolic processes, increasing the stability of processes and energy recovery efficiency, developing combined flow schemes for recovering energy and nutrients, and also modeling biochemical processes.
Key words
wastewater , anammox , ANITA™Mox , nitrogen compounds , partial nitrification , SHARON , DEAMOX , CANDO , ANITA SHUNT
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UDC 628.237
Fedorov Sviatoslav Viktorovich, Vasilyev V. M., Klementyev M. N.
Study of gas evolution in a sewer section
Transportation of wastewater through sewer networks is accompanied by the generation and evolution of gases from the flow. For a quantitative assessment of the gas evolution process a sewer section model has been developed in the ANSYS CFX finite element analysis package. The model takes into account the combined flow of wastewater, entrained air and sewage gas (e.g. carbon dioxide) coming from the collector tray. Monitoring was carried out in a section of the domestic sewage system (DN = 500 mm) in the industrial zone of Obukhovo in St. Petersburg. The measured values of the vacuum pressure are in the range of model calculations. The process of designing a computational area of the sewer section and establishing initial and boundary conditions is presented. As a result of modeling the dependences of the carbon dioxide concentration and the pressure of the gas-air environment in the underroof space of the pipeline with different slopes and filling levels were obtained. The results obtained can serve as a basis for the approach to predicting the process of gas evolution in sewer sections.
Key words
monitoring , simulation , ecological safety , sewerage network , carbon dioxide , hydrogen sulfide , methane , ammonia , gas evolution intensity
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Development and introduction of intensive methods of removing organic substances from wastewater (part 3)
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UDC 628.144:330.322
Prodous O. A., Chernyshov L. N., Dronov A. A., Dzhanbekov B. A.
Cost optimization for the implementation of «Teberdinsky group water main in Karachaevo-Cherkessiya» investment project
A financial model for the return of investment funds for the construction of a gravity-pressure water main (100 km long with the elevation difference of 800 m) that has no analogues in world practice is presented. A dynamic method for evaluating an investment project was used that involved the calculation of five indicators: NPV, PI, DPP, IC and ARR. The analysis of the above calculated indicators was carried out on the basis of which conclusions were concretized concerning cost indicators for the development of project documentation, works on the construction and erection of a water main and in-line structures, tariffs, construction time, payback period, performance of payments for water, etc. The advantage of the investment project is that the quick repayment of credit funds is provided from two directions – from the sale of drinking water to the population and from the sale of the electricity generated in the operation of the water main.
Key words
investment project , cost optimization , water main , economic characteristics , repayment of funds
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Andrianov A. P.
«Яковлевские чтения – 2019»
Международная научно-техническая конференция, посвященная памяти академика РАН Сергея Васильевича Яковлева, прошла 14–15 марта 2019 г. в Национальном исследовательском Московском государственном строительном университете. В этом году конференция открыла цикл мероприятий, связанных с 90-летием со дня создания факультета водоснабжения и водоотведения МИСИ–МСГУ.
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