12 2017

Number 12 / 2017

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Index of the Articles (doc, pdf), Published in the Water Supply and Sanitary Technique Magazine in 2017.




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UDC 504.064:628.356

Rublevskaya O. N., Probirsky M. D., Leonov L. V.

Implementation of the technologic solutions focused on the prevention of water body eutrophication (best practices of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»)


SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» has been the biggest water user in the Baltic Sea coastal zone; therefore the enterprise is obliged to meet the regulations of effluent discharge into the water bodies. The qualitative composition of the discharged effluents is regulated not only by the Russian standards but also by the international recommendations including the Helsinki Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea. Russia endorsed the Convention in 1998. Since that moment Saint-Petersburg and Vodokanal have been aiming at reducing raw wastewater discharges into the Baltic Sea and meeting the regulations of the effluent quality. The best practices of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» implementing the technology of nutrients removal with the purpose of preventing water body eutrophication are presented. The international experience was studied; the laboratory and full-scale tests of different technologies of enhanced phosphorus and nitrogen removal were conducted. Kreal technology and its limitations revealed in the process of operation are described alongside with the process schemes designed by the University of Cape Town (UCT-Process) and Johannesburg University (JHB-Process) and implemented with the purpose of improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment. In order to provide for the stable phosphorus concentration in the effluent according to the regulations chemical removal of phosphorus was introduced. Starting from 2011 Saint-Petersburg has been fully meeting the HELCOM recommendations.

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UDC 628.166.085

Volkov Sergei, Tkachev Andrei, Piskareva V. M.

The use of ultraviolet irradiation as a part of multibarrier disinfection schemes


In order to ensure reliable disinfection of drinking water in relation to viruses, protozoa and other pathogenic organisms resistant to chemical methods, i. e. to prevent waterborne diseases increasing the dosages of chemicals – chlorine or chlorine-containing substances is needed. However at that, chlorination by-products including trihalomethane are formed. The use of multibarrier disinfection schemes is one of the most actual solutions in drinking water purification that provides for the high efficiency at significant reduction of unfavorable side-effects. One of the prevailing multibarrier technologies of drinking water disinfection is the combined use of ult­raviolet irradiation and chlorination. Ultraviolet irradiation has become one of the basic technologies of multibarrier schemes. The experience of using UV-irradiation in combination with different chemicals at the water treatment facilities in Russian and foreign cities – Nizhny Novgorod, Budapest, Vienna is described. Retrofitting advanced multibarrier schemes of purification and disinfection of surface water will provide for improving significantly the sanitary and epidemiologic protection of the population and improving drinking water qua­lity.

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UDC 628.394(597-25)

Nguyen Dinh Dap, Volshanik V. V., Dzhumagulova N. T.

The study of the ecological state of the To Lich River in Hanoi


To Lich is a big river in the city of Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. The river system receives municipal wastewater as well as effluents from 100 industrial enterprises located in five industrial areas in the central part of Hanoi. The To Lich River channel has accumulated about 284 thousand m3 of sediments, 7347 tons of different metals. The total load of nine metals on the river estuary is 161.7 kg/day. The information on the method and results of the field studies of the To Lich water and riverbed pollution with heavy metals is presented. The study was aiming at the assessment of the total load of heavy metals discharged and accumulated in the bottom deposits of separate To Lich River reaches (at the point of effluent discharges) as well as the assessment of the daily intake of organic carbon and heavy metals at the river estuary. To evaluate the general ecological state of the river the analysis of not only the river water quality but also the quality of the sediments was carried out. At that the following parameters were entered: water quality index (WQI) and sediment quality index (SQI) on the basis of seven pollutants: for water –chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), arsenic (As) and lead (Pb); for sediments –Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb.

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UDC 628.35:661.5

Gogina Elena, Gul’shin I. A.

Nitrogen removal in a circulation oxidation ditch model
under the conditions of lowered concentration of organics in wastewater


The summarized results of the third stage of an integrated study of energy efficient processes of wastewater treatment in circulation oxidation ditches are presented. The experiment was carried out in a laboratory model of a circulation oxidation ditch with horizontal directional flow of mixed liquor. The impact of low concentration of dissolved oxygen in the bioreactor volume (at 0.5 mg/l level) and low concentration of organic pollutants in the incoming model wastewater on the treatment efficiency and biomass stabi­lity was studied. The highest efficiency of total nitrogen removal was reached at the specific organics load on activated sludge (BOD) R = 0.07 g/(g∙day), average dissolved oxygen concentration 0.5 mg/l and 7.5 hours aeration time. At that the concentration of ammonium nitrogen in the effluent was about 0.6 mg/l; the concentration of nitrate nitrogen was 9.6 mg/l. The operation of the bioreactor at lowered dissolved oxygen concentrations resulted in partial biomass bulking. The sedimentation properties of activated sludge changed; however stayed at satisfactory level.

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UDC 628.144.2:62-192

Chupin V. R., Dushin A. S.

Assessment of the customer water supply reliability


The operation mode of water supply systems is influenced largely not only by the probabilistic nature of the water consumption but also by the emergency situations occurring in the pipeline sections and at the facilities that also have probabilistic nature. Overlapping of these two random processes provides for the actual pattern of the water supply and distribution system operation. A method of determining the probability of trouble-free water supply of every customer on the basis of load flow task solutions with nonfixed water abstraction for all possible combinations of random water abstraction and emergency situation occurrence is proposed. The method provides for calculating for the existing or water supply system under upgrade the probabilities of supplying every customer with water in terms of 100% and 70% assurance, and concluding on the reliability of water supply in whole if the regulatory values are available. The method can be useful both in practical operation and design of prospective plans of water supply system development.

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UDC 628.14:519.6

Novitskii N. N., Mikhailovskii E. A.

ISIGR Innovative software suite for the simulation of the operation modes of water supply systems


Energy and resource–saving reserves in the systems of water supply and distribution can be largely deployed by rational organization of the hydraulic modes of their operation with the use of advanced methods of mathematical and computer simulation. The description of a programming and computing suite that provides for the opportunity of using remotely the efficient methods of calculating the operation modes of water supply and distribution systems is presented. The principles of the suite implementation allow any number of users to make calculations anytime and anywhere provided the access to global Internet and standard Web browser is available. The suite underlying technologies are stated as well as its user options and computational performance. The results of pilot studies of the programming and computing suite are quoted. The application can be used in different branches (power economy, housing and public utilities, construction etc.) and fields of activities (engineering, operation, studies and education). It can be also useful for the experts of different levels – engineers, research workers, postgraduates, student, etc.

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Насосы KSB для создания яркого настроения


Водные шоу с «поющими» и «танцующими» фонтанами стали атрибутом многих торжественных мероприятий, а также самостоятельными праздничными представлениями. Феерические действа удивительной красоты и спецэффекты сопровождаются лазерными шоу и фейерверками.




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«Water Treatment Technologies» – «TECHNOVOD–2017»
X International Scientific-Practical Conference


5–6 октября 2017 г. в Астрахани прошла Десятая Международная научно-практическая конференция «Технологии очистки воды» – «ТЕХНОВОД».




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Конференция «Об опыте модернизации систем водоснабжения и водоотведения  в ЖКХ и  промышленности»


С 9 по 13 октября 2017 г. в Ялте состоялась вторая конференция «Об опыте модернизации систем водоснабжения и водоотведения в ЖКХ и промышленности»


Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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