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UDC 628.166.085

Volkov Sergei, Tkachev Andrei, Piskareva V. M.

The use of ultraviolet irradiation as a part of multibarrier disinfection schemes


In order to ensure reliable disinfection of drinking water in relation to viruses, protozoa and other pathogenic organisms resistant to chemical methods, i. e. to prevent waterborne diseases increasing the dosages of chemicals – chlorine or chlorine-containing substances is needed. However at that, chlorination by-products including trihalomethane are formed. The use of multibarrier disinfection schemes is one of the most actual solutions in drinking water purification that provides for the high efficiency at significant reduction of unfavorable side-effects. One of the prevailing multibarrier technologies of drinking water disinfection is the combined use of ult­raviolet irradiation and chlorination. Ultraviolet irradiation has become one of the basic technologies of multibarrier schemes. The experience of using UV-irradiation in combination with different chemicals at the water treatment facilities in Russian and foreign cities – Nizhny Novgorod, Budapest, Vienna is described. Retrofitting advanced multibarrier schemes of purification and disinfection of surface water will provide for improving significantly the sanitary and epidemiologic protection of the population and improving drinking water qua­lity.

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