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UDC 628.16

Bykova P. G., Strelkov A. K., Zanina Zh. V., Zanin M. A., Poniaeva A. P.

Filter wash water reuse


The technology of filter wash water reuse in the technological process at the main facilities of a filtration pumping station in Otradnyi town, Samara Area, is suggested. The basic characteristics of natural and wash water have been determined; the required parameters of the wash water clarification facilities have been calculated. The experimental results and calculations showed the possibility of using horizontal sedimentation tanks taken out of operation for wash water clarification with the purpose of its reuse. Basing on the experimental results the relationship between wash water and river flow rates prior to supplying to the mixing tank was stated. The basic operational characteristics of the facilities for wash water treatment have been determined. At present detailed engineering of reusing wash water at the filtration pumping station of Otradnyi town is underway. The suggested process solution will provide for solving the important environmental protection task – to eliminate the discharge of wash water and sludge generated at the filtration pumping station into the Liman Lake and to protect the lake from silting.

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