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UDC 628.16.067.1
Design Features and Experience of Porous Drainage Systems Operation in High-Rate Filters
Design features and multiyear experience in operation of porous drainage systems of two types in high-rate filters are expounded. Drainages ensure a high level of uniformity of washing across the filters’ area.
Key words:
potable water , fitlters , drainage system , granular media , granules , porous layer
Spisok literatury
- Filatov A. I., Vezhlivaja T. N. Poristyj drenazh zashhemlennogo tipa dlja skoryh vodoochistnyh fil'trov: Sb. nauch. tr. - M., AKH, 1987.
- Filatov A. I., Vezhlivaja T. N. Poristyj drenazh zashhemlennogo tipa dlja fil'trov // Izv. vuzov. Stroitel'stvo i arhitektura. 1991. № 3.
- Filatov A. I., Draginskij V. L. i dr. Rekomendacii po proektirovaniju, montazhu i jekspluatacii drenazhej skoryh vodoochistnyh fil'trov iz poristogo polimerbetona. - M., AKH, 1983.
- Filatov A. I., Vezhlivaja T. N. Vodoochistnye fil'try s poristymi drenazhami // Zhilishhnoe i kommunal'noe hozjajstvo. 1991. № 7.