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Pupyrev E. I.

The 75th anniversary of MosvodokanalNIIproject


The wide range of activities and many years’ experience of the «MosvodokanalNIIproject» OJSC team in the field of designing public utilities provide for the successful implementation of the tasks of creating the comfortable urban environment for the Moscow citizens and maximum improving the public services according to the plans of the megacity development and reconstruction. Upon the projects of the «MosvodokanalNIIproject» Institute all the Moscow water treatment plants and wastewater treatment facilities, water and wastewater pumping stations, as well as the main facilities for solid waste management have been built. Besides, upon the projects of the Institute the system of the facilities for mel­ting and disposal of snow removed from the city mains has been built. The specialists of the Institute are designing general schemes for water supply, wastewater disposal and sanitation facilities for many Russian and CIS regions. The main line of research is ensuring the integrity and environmental safety of the municipal engineering life support systems, inclu­ding water treatment improvement, development of regulatory and guidance documents, inspection of water bodies and urban areas. The information on the «MosvodokanalNIIproject» OJSC activities in the field of designing the engineering systems of the public utilities in recent times is presented.

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