Number 4 / 2020
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DOI 000000
Tikhonova Tat’iana
With the best technologies – to the health of nature and society
ООО «Водоканал» – основное предприятие коммунального хозяйства г. Новокузнецка, предоставляющее населению и предприятиям услуги по водоснабжению и водоотведению и успешно решающее задачи жизнеобеспечения города.
DOI 000000
Ровесник индустриализации
Судьбоносным для Новокузнецка стало решение в конце 1920-х годов о создании на Востоке СССР второй мощной угольно-металлургической базы, работающей на железных рудах Урала и коксующихся углях Сибири.
Ключевые слова
DOI 000000
Наш педагог и наставник
Борис Матвеевич Гохман – кандидат технических наук, профессор, Почетный работник высшего образования России, Почетный работник жилищно-коммунального хозяйства России, академик Международной академии наук экологии и безопасности жизнедеятельности. Долгие годы Борис Матвеевич являлся членом координационного совета по оптимизации систем водоснабжения и водоотведения г. Новокузнецка. Родился в 1929 г. в Ростове. Окончил институт инженеров железнодорожного транспорта, после чего в 1952 г. по распределению приехал в Новокузнецк. Десять лет отработал на шахте, столько же – во ВНИИГидроуголь, а с 1972 г. работал в Сибирском металлургическом институте (сейчас СибГИУ). Заведующим кафедрой «Водоснабжение и канализация» стал в 1975 г.
Ключевые слова
DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.04.01 УДК 628.1/.2:666.9.012
Nosikova Anna
The experience of establishing management accounting in Vodokanal of Novokuznetsk
The key aspects of establishing management accounting and the stages of their implementation in Vodokanal of the city of Novokuznetsk in the Kemerovo Region are described. The project is based on IFS Application Information system, «Maintenance and Repair», «Purchasing» and «Financials» modules. As the implementation experience showed, the most important thing was not filling out directories or developing automated unloading and reports, but drawing up an accounting methodology suitable exclusively for a given enterprise and developing economic mentality for managers at all levels so that through understanding the significance of the credentials they could set up a system of management both of their departments, and the entire enterprise. As a result of the full-scale introduction of modules, the enterprise switched over to a new stage in establishing management accounting and budgeting based on 1C ERP software product.
Key words
information system , management accounting , resources , management cycle , accounting analytics
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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.04.02 UDC 628.1/.2:658.562
Gol’dberg Ekaterina
The system of planning the improvement of the operations of Vodokanal LLC
Currently, an active search is carried out for ways to develop and improve the operations using advanced concepts and methods of organizing the activities of an enterprise. The approach to establishing a system for planning and improving the operations, as well as the experience of its practical application, is presented. The improvement management is aiming at timely eliminating the causes of identified problems and minimizing their repeated occurrence; at ensuring the identification of potential problems or other undesirable situations to prevent their occurrence. The methodology for planning and organizing improvements determines the procedure of problems accounting, developing proposals for improvements, coordinating and approving improvement plans, implementing the improvements, monitoring, and analyzing the reported results.
Key words
operation , log file of problems and proposals , planning improvements , system of planning and work time recording
DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.04.03 UDC 628.14:628.16.094.413.094.3
Dobrynina Natal’ia, Karkanitsa Ol’ga
Methods of supplementary chlorination in the long sections of the water mains in Novokuznetsk
According to SanPiN, while supplying water to the distribution network, the concentration of residual free chlorine in it should be from 0.3 to 0.5 mg/l, and that of residual combined chlorine – from 0.8 to 1.2 mg/l; in the distribution network, the concentration of residual free chlorine is not regulated; however, the quality of drinking water should be epidemically safe. To address this problem, the specialists of the chief process engineer department at Vodokanal LLC studied the technologies of supplementary chlorination in the water transportation system at one or several stages, and of chlorammoniation at the water treatment facilities. It has been established that chlorammoniation provides for a prolonged action of chlorine in water and prevents the formation of carcinogens. However, after the introduction of ammonia, a foreign odor and aftertaste (pharmaceutical, medicinal) appeared in all analyzed samples. It was experimentally proved that during chlorammoniation in summer during hot periods and with the presence of foreign moldy odor in the river water, ammoniation did not either prevent or reduce the intensity of foreign odor and aftertaste in drinking water. Various technologies of supplementary chlorination in the water transportation system were studied and local supplementary chlorination of drinking water by membrane electrolysis was recommended.
Key words
chlorammoniation , residual chlorine , membrane electrolyzer , supplementary chlorination , water odor and aftertaste
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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.04.04 UDC 628.147.2:658.284
Solov’ev Viktor, Arbuzov Maksim, Lesnykh Natal’ia
The use of software for upgrading the activities of the operations control center
A review of software products developed by a group of specialists from various services and departments of Vodokanal LLC, in Novokuznetsk is presented. For more than 10 years, the staff of the operations control center of the enterprise has been using this software in their work. The development and application of self-developed software provides for making the necessary adjustments throughout the entire period of its use to ensure maximum simplicity and friendliness for users. The procedure of using several software products is considered: the types of windows displayed on the user’s monitor are given; the step-by-step sequence of the operational manager’s work with the software is reflected; additional functions of the software are indicated that allow upgrading separate actions of the personnel of the operations control center. On the basis of the information presented self-development of similar software is possible provided the specific features of water and wastewater utilities are considered. Further research in this direction will allow reliable upgrading the activities of the personnel of the operations control center and other services, improving the interaction of various departments within the enterprise, as well as the consumer relations.
Key words
optimization , software , disinfection system operation , operations control center , analysis and archiving , customer notification , daily report , data acquisition and recording , number of failures , network operation mode , working conditions
DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.04.05 UDC 628.14:004.415.53
Rozhnov Evgenii, Siksina Ekaterina
The phases of implementing the industrial electronic model of the water supply and wastewater disposal systems
To provide for sorting and analyzing the data on the water distribution and sewer network system in Novokuznetsk and to avoid multiple data duplication in various IT environments, it was decided to introduce the product of Potok data processing center – HydroGraph Information and Graphic System from the product line under CityComTM trademark. Currently, HydroGraph system has been in active use by many divisions of Vodokanal, LLC. Planning an operational program today is no longer possible without HydroGraph system. The system provides for issuing the performance specifications, preparing for shutdowns, compiling work execution plans, signing contracts with new customers, and upgrading the water supply and wastewater disposal systems. The development of a meaningful, verified and continuously updated database made it possible to quickly and conveniently solve many problems. Therein it ensures improved efficiency and accuracy of repair planning, cost reduction and generally rational operation of the water supply and wastewater disposal system in Novokuznetsk.
Key words
water supply , hydraulic design , water disposal , planning , certification , electronic model , inventory , key manholes
DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.04.06 UDC 628.336.4
Shakhrai Nikolai, Dobrynina Natal’ia, Priimak Tat’iana
Advanced methods of wastewater sludge disinvasion (for the discussion)
Организации водопроводно-канализационного хозяйства в рамках технологических процессов водоотведения должны обеспечивать дезинвазию очищенных сточных вод и осадков, образующихся в результате их очистки. В соответствии с пунктом 1.2 СанПиН 3.2.3215-14 «Профилактика паразитарных болезней на территории РФ», санитарные правила устанавливают требования к комплексу организационных, санитарно-противоэпидемических (профилактических) мероприятий, проведение которых направлено на предупреждение возникновения и распространения паразитарных заболеваний. Проведена оценка нормативных документов по дезинвазии объектов окружающей среды, а также решений по судебным делам в части ее проведения. Выявлены разногласия в документах по проведению дезинвазии, в связи с чем направлены обращения в различные организации с предложением гармонизировать правила с целью исключения разночтений. Изучены индустриальные методы дезинвазии осадка сточных вод. Показано, что происходит необоснованное навязывание препарата «Бингсти».
Key words
sludge , disinvasion , viable helminth eggs , biological stimulant inhibitors , Bingsti
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