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UDC 614.777:504.062

Terent'ev V. I., Lopatin S. A.

Some aspects of the regulatory support of arranging sanitary protection zones of drinking water sources


A brief analysis of the statutory and regulatory enactments setting the basic requirements to the arrangement of sanitary protection zones of water sources is presented. Despite the fact that the regulation of water relations is an element of the national policy some regulatory voids exist that account for the low legal status of water bodies used for public water supply. Because of the lack of an integrated regulatory framework of water resources management in the national business policy an efficient system of surface and underground water protection from different kinds of pollution has not been developed. Water factor in many cases produces not positive but negative impact on the human organism. A law making initiative has been formulated on the basis of the legal possibility of improving the status of sanitary protection zones of water sources by extending the list of nature conservation areas and including sanitary protection zones. Extending the list of projects that require continuous monitoring of their sanitary and environmental condition is suggested by inclu­ding aquifer basins and catchments areas of surface water bodies. Within these areas business and other types of activities shall be limited to the level specified for the sanitary protection zones of water sources. By the example of the Leningrad Region an information chain has been formulated that shall be functioning in favor of the water resources protection that are used for public water supply. Targeting at the development of the draft of the directly effective Federal Law «On the protection of water sources» will provide for enlarging the power of the government authorities of the constituent entities, local authorities; improving essentially the social significance of water sources; redirecting the purpose of the regulatory legal act to ensuring more favorable impact of the water factor on the human health.

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