
Number 10 / 2012

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Ponomarenko A. M.

The formula for success: social responsibility plus innovative development




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Danilovich Dmitrii, Dovlatova E. V.

Proposals on amendments to legal framework on regulating effluent discharges by Vodokanals and their customers


The issues of regulating effluent discharges in view of Federal Law № 416-FZ «On water supply and wastewater disposal» coming into force in 2013 and expected accepting of amendments to Federal Law № 7-FZ «On environmental protection» (PFZ № 584587-5) are considered. Essential revision of Chapter 5 of Law № 416-FZ on the environmental issues is proposed alongside with developing for Vodokanals and their customers a new system of regulation and charging on the basis of PFZ № 584587-5 principles and provisions.

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UDC 628.

Shushkevich E. V. , Bastrykin R. I., Babaev A. V., Shotina K. V. , Koubenko V. V.

Potable water quality management in the Moscow water distribution network


The results of activities on improving water quality monitoring in the Moscow water distribution network are presented. The technical measures on ensuring the sanitary safety are described. Establishing operational control of the water quality at the water treatment plants and in the distribution network is reported. Beside reconstruction and upgrade the entire package of technical and preventive measures is required in order to minimize the negative processes causing water quality deterioration in the distribution network: pipe inspection, flushing annually dead-end sections and low flow pipelines, additional control of residual chlorine during summer periods etc.

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UDC 628.16.094.413.094.3

Arutyunova I. Yu., Kalashnikova O. B.

The use of preammonization and primary chlorination in the process of the Moskva River water purification


The use of preammonization and primary chlorination for the purification of water from the Moskva River source is discussed. Two water purification process designs are suggested. The results of laboratory studies of temporal dynamics of chloroform formation and maximum efficiency of chloroform concentration reduction at various modes of preammonization and primary chlorination are presented. Comparative evaluation of chloroform formation intensity in the process of water purification with the use of preammonization and primary chlorination versus traditional water treatment process is given. A reliable operational benefit was obtained that provided for meeting the standard for permissible amount of chloroform in drinking water as well as the basic chemical and microbiologic parameters of the required water quality.

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UDC 628.147:62-192

Shushkevich E. V. , Menshchikova O. A., Generalov N. S., Ivanov Ye. V.

Introducing innovative materials and technologies in the water distribution network


A review of the advanced innovative materials and technologies used in reconstruction and operation of the water distribution network is presented. The basic causes of pipeline failure are considered, the advanced technologies and equipment that contribute to extending the pipeline operational life are described. A comprehensive analysis of the newly developed corrosion-resistive coatings, socket joints is given alongside with the results of retrofitting energy-independent systems of monitoring water distribution network parameters based on multiparameter sensors and remote control of the shutoff and control valves. The experience of MPUE Mosvodokanal in using innovative trenchless technologies of pipeline repair and rehabilitation is systemized.

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UDC 628.143.004.67

Menshchikova O. A., Kurianov V. A., Maleyeva I. V.

Experimental construction of the water distribution pipelines with burst-lining technology


Laying ductile iron pipes by burst-lining technology is one of the perspective trenchless methods of water distribution network renovation. The positive results of the experimental works carried out in Zelenogradvodokanal Production Division on testing this technology with the purpose of identifying the actual type and level of possible damages of the outer surface of cast iron pipes are presented. The method of sliplining with old pipe bursting proved to be efficient, reliable and perspective for using in the existing urban developments.

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UDC 628.35:661.5.63

KAZAKOVA E. A., Streltsov S. A., Kevbrina M. V., Kozlov I. M., Moizhes S. I.

Introducing advanced nutrient removal technologies at the Moscow wastewater treatment facilities


The results of introducing energy efficient process designs of biological nutrient removal from low concentrated municipal wastewater are presented. At 22–25 mg/l ammonia nitrogen and 2.3–2.5 mg/l phosphate-phosphorus concentrations in the incoming wastewater the stable phosphorus removal was obtained when using the process design of the Cape Town University (UCT). At higher concentrations of wastewater (30–40 mg/l ammonia nitrogen and 3.3–4 mg/l phosphate-phosphorus) the process design of the Hanover University (MISAH) and the modified UCT process design developed by Mosvodokanal MPUE research workers were most efficient.

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UDC 628.35:661.5.63

KOZLOV M. N., Nikolaev Yu. A., GRACHEV V. A., Kevbrina M. V., Dorofeev A. G., Moizhes S. I.

M-Defanox – efficient technology of biological phosphorus removal from wastewater


Energy efficient technology of removing nutrients from wastewater that requires minimum amount of organics has been developed in Mosvodokanal MPUE. M-Defanox technology is based on the oxidation of maximum available organic matter in the process of denitrification with the use of dephosphating-denitrifying bacteria. In the process of experimental tests in the laboratory-scale reactor the efficiency of nitrogen removal was 99%, phosphorus removal – 86%, COD – 80%, BOD – 95%. The technology can sustain acute fluctuations of incoming pollutants. The results of pilot tests showed 99% efficiency of ammonia nitrogen removal and 85% efficiency of phosphate-phosphorus removal. The use of M-Defanox technology provided for 50% reduction of disposed excess activated sludge.

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UDC 504.3.054:628.316.7

Bogomolov M. V., Gavrilin A. M., Agevnin A. R., Kireyev Ju. P., Maleyeva A. V.

Field trials of wastewater air-gaseous emissions odor control technologies


The advanced technologies of removing nuisance odors from wastewater gaseous emissions are considered. The results of field trials of adsorption filters for the sewer vents and biological odor control systems for the manholes at Mosvodokanal MPUE facilities are described. For some years Mosvodokanal is developing optimal wastewater odor control methods. International experience is studied; investigations, experiments and pilot tests are carried out.

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Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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