

bbk 000000

UDC 628.336.41

Pokhil Yu. N., Bagaev Iurii, Ivanov N. A., Ivanov A. N.

Innovation Technology of Wastewater Sludge Dewatering at Sludge Beds


The technology of highly effective dewatering of wastewater sludge at sludge beds using the principally new flocculant «Сибфлок®» on the basis of polyethylene oxide and special facilities – wells for sludge water disposal is described. This technology has been tested at more than ten Vodokanals of Russia and Kazakhstan at facilities of 150–700 000 m3/day of wastewater capacity under the different climatic conditions. Sludge dewatering using the new technology makes it possible to obtain the sludge with moisture content of 70–75% and after predrying in a summer period – with moisture content of 40–60%. The technology is unified and can be easily included practically in any flow charts. Additional equipping of sludge beds needs minimal expenses. The sludge dewatered at sludge beds using the flocculant «Сибфлок®» get the properties inherent to natural soils, lend itself well to composting and other types of processing.

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  3. Ivanova M. G., Ivanov N. A., Pohil Ju. N., Bagaev Ju. G. Prostoj, jeffektivnyj i jekonomichnyj sposob obezvozhivanija osadkov stochnyh vod na ilovyh ploshhadkah // Vodnye resursy i vodopol'zovanie (Kazahstan). 2006. № 2 (25).
  4. Meged' V. Ja., Galimov R. Z., Bajmuhambetova M. G. Povyshenie jeffektivnosti raboty ilovyh ploshhadok s primeneniem flokuljanta «Sibflok» // Vodnye resursy i vodopol'zovanie. 2009. № 5 (64).
  5. Pat. 33113 (51), RF. MPK7 S 02 F 11/12. Ustrojstvo dlja obezvozhivanija sflokulirovannyh osadkov preimushhestvenno ilovoj ploshhadki / Ju. G. Bagaev, N. A. Ivanov, M. G. Ivanova i dr. // Izobretenija. Poleznye modeli. 2003. № 28.
  6. Pat. 95659 (51), RF. MPK7 S 02 F 11/10, 11/12, 11/14. Ilovaja ploshhadka / N. A. Ivanov, A. N. Ivanov // Izobretenija. Poleznye modeli. 2010. № 19.

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