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UDC 628.335.1
Development and the Use of Settling Tank-Flocculators for Treatment of Recirculated Water at Metallurgical Works of Russia and Ukraine
It is told about the development by the scientific-engineering firm EKO-PROJECT and introduction at the metallurgical enterprises of Russia and Ukraine of a series of compact, highly efficient settling tank-flocculators intended for treatment of recirculated water of technological units, industrial-storm wastewater and water conditioning. Application of one-stage schemes of advanced wastewater treatment instead of two-level ones at settling tank-flocculators in a complex with new technology of gravitational dewatering of sludge produced therein allows to improve essentially all technical, economic and ecological indicators of water management of metal works.
Key words:
ferrous metallurgy factories , water management , settling tank-flocculator , advanced treatment of recirculated water , gravitational dewatering of sludge
Spisok Literaturi
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