Tag:program for the industrial environmental control



DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.12.01
UDC 006.3:628.3:504.064

Rublevskaya O. N., Lysova Tat’iana, Alekseeva I. V., Tsvetkova Ekaterina

Problems of water and wastewater utilities with technological regulation and introduction of industrial environmental control


The requirements of the environmental legislation in the process of transition to technological regulation based on the process parameters of the best available technologies, the introduction of the industrial environmental control including systems for automatic control of pollution discharges and emissions, are given. An analysis of the regulations of the environmental legislation is presented, as well as a number of problems arising in the implementation of the requirements of these regulations in the introduction of the best available technologies and industrial environmental control at the wastewater facilities of water and wastewater utilities are described. Problems are highlighted in relation to the following factors: impossibility or redundancy of conducting an inventory of discharges for a number of pollutants; inadequacy of the 7-year deadline for the implementation of the programs for improving the environmental efficiency and plans of action for environmental protection in presence of several objects of the I and II categories of the negative environmental impact; redundancy of the requirements for establishing technological regulations for discharges at the level «from the achieved»; contradictions in the regulations that complicate the introduction of automatic control systems. The paper describes the experience of the construction and upgrade of the public wastewater disposal facilities operated by SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»; the practice of industrial environmental control, as well as the results of the interaction between the sectoral community of the water supply and wastewater disposal utilities; the conclusions drawn during updating ITS 22.1-2016 «General principles of industrial environmental control and its metrological support» in 2021. The ways of addressing the problems are proposed.

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