Tag:anti-icing liquid



DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.08.07
UDC 628.35:351.814.1

Kadrevich Artem, Vilson Elena, Litvinenko Viacheslav

Airport surface wastewater treatment


Nowadays the problem of pollution of surface wastewater from the territory of airports with aircraft anti-icing products (ethylene glycol) and products of anti-icing treatment of solid surfaces (formates and acetates) is gaining more and more publicity. The damage to water resources can no longer be hidden, since the residents of residential area close to the airport pay attention to dying flora and fauna, changes in the color and smell of the rivers receiving discharged raw wastewater. The lack of understanding among engineering companies of how this problem can be solved gives no way to the airports to do this. An analysis of the world experience of airports related to the treatment of surface wastewater contaminated with ethylene glycol is given. The process flow scheme of biological and physicochemical wastewater treatment developed by the process engineers of «ECOS» JSC, taking into account the regulatory requirements accepted in the Russian Federation, is presented.

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