DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.09.06 UDC 628.355.1
Mashchenko Zinaida, Bakharev Vladimir, Egorova Yu. A., Nesterenko O. I., Русских Я. М.
Effect of benzylpenicillin sodium salt on the species composition of activated sludge biocenosis
The species composition of activated sludge depends on many abiotic and biotic factors. To date, there is a problem of the presence of trace pharmaceuticals in wastewater that negatively affect the organisms of activated sludge performing biological water treatment. Antibiotics are drugs that cause disturbances in the metabolism of activated sludge and lead to a decrease in the level of water treatment. These substances inhibit the survival and reproduction of some types of organisms, and also result in the development of resistance in bacteria. The results of studies on the effect of benzylpenicillin sodium salt on hydrobionts of activated sludge with single and repeated exposure within 72 hours are presented. The general properties of the sludge – color, smell, bulking, sedimentation – were estimated. To study the sludge biocenosis, we used the «crushed drop» method with a magnification of ×1000. While analyzing the microscopic slides, the number of hydrobionts of activated sludge and their general condition were taken into account. The following species were used as indicator organisms: naked amoeba Amoeba, testate Testacea, flagellate Flagellata, rotifers Rotaria, infusoria Vaginicola, Epistylis and Aspidisca, worms Nematoda and Oligоchaeta, tardigrades, filamentous bacteria. The obtained data testified to the satisfactory operation of the activated sludge under the experimental conditions. However, with repeated addition of benzylpenicillin sodium salt, the nitrification processes may deteriorate.
Key words
aeration tank , activated sludge , wastewater biological treatment , antibiotics , municipal wastewater treatment facilities , benzylpenicillin sodium salt , hydrobionts of activated sludge
UDC 628.355.3 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.11.04
Mashchenko Zinaida, Русских Я. М., Egorova Yu. A., Nesterenko O. I.
Study of the effect of ampicillin on the functional state of activated sludge at multiple exposure
The widespread use of antibiotics in medicine and veterinary science results in an increase in their production, which contributes to the occurrence and accumulation of these drugs in the surrounding aquatic environment. Antibiotics, getting into wastewater, disturb the degradation of organic matter by microorganisms of activated sludge which results in a decrease in the functional state of activated sludge, and also contributes to the development of multiresistant strains of bacteria. In this regard, it is important to estimate the impact of antibiotics on the hydroecosystem of the treatment facilities. Estimation of the functional state of activated sludge of biological treatment facilities is possible using hydrobiological analysis. Hydrochemical indicators of activated sludge, quantitative calculation of activated sludge organisms provides for monitoring the state of the biological wastewater treatment process. The results of estimating the effect of ampicillin on the functional state of activated sludge at multiple exposure are presented. Activated sludge of the Samara wastewater treatment facilities was used as test organisms. The betalactam antibiotic ampicillin served as the material for the study. The antibiotic was added every 24 hours at a concentration of 100 mg per 1g of activated sludge. Incubation of activated sludge was carried out at a temperature of 25°C for 72 hours at continuous aeration. Samples of activated sludge without antibiotic addition served as a control. During the experiment, the hydrochemical characteristics and species composition of the activated sludge biocenosis were estimated. It was shown that ampicillin added multiple times, had a negative effect on the functional state of activated sludge aggravating the sedimentation properties and reducing the species diversity of activated sludge.
Key words
activated sludge , antibiotics , ampicillin , species composition of the activated sludge , general properties of activated sludge
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UDC 574.632/635
Chesnokova S. M., Savel'ev O. V.
Study of the antibiotics effect on self-purification processes of hydroecosystems
Based on literature data the role of hydrobionts of various ecologic groups in self-purification processes of aquatic ecosystems is considered alongside with the possible effect of antibiotics getting into surface water on hydrobionts. The results of studies of antibiotics effect on small crustaceans-filterers Daphnia magna Sr. by biotesting method and on nitrobacteria by laboratory modeling method with the use of river water are given. It is stated that the toxicity and hazard of the studied antibiotics for small crustaceans-filterers depend on the origin of antibiotics, their concentration in water and capacity to accumulate in small crustaceans’ organisms. Out of the studied antibiotics cefazolin was most toxic for daphnia, whereas ampicillin and ceftriaxon were less toxic. However these antibiotics are characterized by obvious capacity to accumulate in daphnia’s organism and can further cause downsizing of the population of these hydrobionts, distortion of self-purification from suspended solids and trophic structure of hydrobiocoenosis. In order to study the effect of antibiotics on nitrification process cefazolin and cefotaxime antibiotics were used at the concentrations of 1·10–9–1·10–8 mg/dm3. It is stated that the effect of these antibiotics depends on the concentration and origin of antibiotics. Cefazolin at the studied concentrations inhibits nitrification process. Cefotaxime at the concentration of 1·10–8 mg/dm3 slightly inhibits and at the concentration of 1·10–9 mg/dm3 inhibits nitrification process. The highest inhibiting effect of the studied antibiotics is observed on the 15th day of exposure; nitrification process enhancement with cefotaxime at the concentration of 1·10–8 mg/dm3 was registered within the interval of 6–12 days of exposure.
Key words
nitrification , biotesting , antibiotics , self-purification of a water body , hydrobionts-filterers , laboratory modeling
DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.07.05 UDC 628.312.5:577.18
Mezrin Nikita, Abramova Anna, Diagelev Mikhail, Isakov Vitalii
Estimation of the specific pollutants in municipal wastewater
The data of Russian and international studies on the methods of detection and identification of antibiotics in wastewater are presented. The information on the production and sales of the consumed drugs was used as a method for quantifying and predicting antibiotics released into the environment. The analysis of the data showed that by 2030 a massive increase in the consumption of antibiotics in Russia from 63.2 to 105.3 thousand tons was planned. The data on the number of detected antibiotics in wastewater from different countries are also presented. A classification of the methods used for detecting antibiotics in municipal wastewater is given, and the individual characteristics of each method with the inherent advantages and disadvantages are given. The choice of a specific method depends on the availability of equipment, qualified personnel, number and frequency of analyses, degree of accuracy, and other significant factors. The spectrophotometric method is one of the most common research methods for the detection of pharmaceuticals in wastewater.
Key words
wastewater , antibiotics , virus resistance , detection methods
DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.03.02 UDC 628.16:614.35
Remizova Iuliia, Golovanova Anna, Rudakova Dar’ia, Mitilineos Aleksandr
Experimental estimation of the efficiency of removing residual amounts of antibiotics and steroid hormones from water with home water purification systems
To remove residual amounts of pharmaceutical compounds present in drinking water, a variety of purification methods based on various physicochemical principles can be used at all stages of water treatment. The paper presents the results of an experimental study of the efficiency of removing residual concentrations of pharmaceuticals – laevomycetin antibiotic (chloramphenicol) and estrone steroid hormone – from a model solution prepared on the basis of tap water with the addition of drugs, using a home fixed water purification system. It is shown that the home water purification system provides for the significant reduction of residual concentrations of chloramphenicol and estrone throughout the service life declared by the manufacturer. In the household water purification sector, adsorption-type units are still the most in-demand type of water purification systems that provide for the high efficiency in removing various pollutants with minimal capital costs.
Key words
potable water , antibiotics , home filter , pharma drug , steroid hormones , estrone , laevomycetin , chloramphenicol