


DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.03.02
UDC 628.16:614.35

Remizova Iuliia, Golovanova Anna, Rudakova Dar’ia, Mitilineos Aleksandr

Experimental estimation of the efficiency of removing residual amounts of antibiotics and steroid hormones from water with home water purification systems


To remove residual amounts of pharmaceutical compounds present in drinking water, a variety of purification methods based on various physicochemical principles can be used at all stages of water treatment. The paper presents the results of an experimental study of the efficiency of removing residual concentrations of pharmaceuticals – laevomycetin antibiotic (chloramphenicol) and estrone steroid hormone – from a model solution prepared on the basis of tap water with the addition of drugs, using a home fixed water purification system. It is shown that the home water purification system provides for the significant reduction of residual concentrations of chloramphenicol and estrone throughout the service life declared by the manufacturer. In the household water purification sector, adsorption-type units are still the most in-demand type of water purification systems that provide for the high efficiency in removing various pollutants with minimal capital costs.

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