

DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.08.02
UDC 628.161

FESENKO L. N., Ignatenko S. I., Fedotov R. V., Shchukin S. A., Kaberskaia Dar’ia, Paukova Dar’ia

The technology of two-stage purification of water with high concentration of iron and manganese


The results of laboratory studies and field tests of iron removal combined with the demanganation of underground water at the local treatment facilities of the Makhin farm in the Rostov Region are presented. The effect of iron removal and demanganation of underground water in the process flow scheme with artificial aeration, oxidation and subsequent one- and two-stage filtration has been established. The injection points and optimal doses of potassium permanganate and coagulant in the two-stage filtration scheme were determined. A process flow scheme of iron removal combined with the demanganation of underground water with iron content from 10 to 15 mg/dm3 and manganese concentration up to 3.2 mg/dm3 is proposed.

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