

DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.02.09
UDC 628.24:626.132.4

Perminov N. A., Perminov A. N., Zhitenev A. I., Klementyev M. N., JUDIN M. Iu., Mezentsev A. F.

Choosing a technology for repairing sewers operated in difficult soil conditions with account of the geometric irregularity of the tunnel sections


Long-running sewer tunnels in large cities have a degree of deterioration of up to 55% or more. Difficult engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions for tunnel laying, as well as intense anthropogenic impacts cause an increase in the defect rate of sewer tunnels. Based on calculations and hydraulic modeling, it is shown that with a high load of sewer tunnel networks and the impossibility to stop completely the transportation of effluents, the primary objective in choosing measures for repair and rehabilitation of tunnels is the search for technical solutions that provide for the maximum wastewater flow after the rehabilitation given the cross-section narrowing and geometrically irregular sections. The successful experience of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» in the rehabilitation of sewers with narrowing sections without stopping the transportation of wastewater using technologies that meet these requirements is presented.

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