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UDC 504.06

Bykova P. G., Palagin Evgenii, Gridneva M. A.

Determining the dilution ratio in wastewater discharge regulation


Wastewater dilution is used for reducing the concentration of pollutants in water bodies and water courses. The intensity of dilution process is quantified by the dilution ratio that equals to the ratio of the sum of the rate of wastewater flow and water medium to the wastewater flow rate or equals to the ratio of excess pollution concentration at the outfall to the similar concentrations in the consi­dered cross-section. The method of calculating the wastewater dilution ratio at the discharge to water courses from point and diffusing sources is presented. The results of the calculations for several options of the reference conditions are set. The limitations of using different methods are described. The necessary adjustments and recommendations are given for calculating the total wastewater dilution with account of the initial one.

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