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УДК 628.166

Kofman V. Ya.

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In the process of using traditional methods of water disinfection with chlorine containing disinfectants or ozone byproducts of different toxic effect are formed. As alternative water chemical oxidants-free water disinfection methods and methods characterized by lower disinfection byproducts formation are developed. In this regard photocatalytic water disinfection process with ultraviolet irradiation or visible light impact; microorganism inactivation with the use of nanomaterials in the form of titanium dioxide, silver nanoparticles, fullerenes, graphene, carbon nanotubes, peptides and chitosan, as well as ferrate process are most intensively investigated. The given process flow schemes have certain advantages also in microcystine destruction. The mechanism of microorganism inactivation is considered. Technical problems that have to be solved to expand the practical use of alternative water disinfection methods are presented.

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