bbk 000000
UDC 62-83:628.156
Electric Drives for Valves with Protection against Flooding
The principally new method of the protection of electric drives for valves against flooding developed by the Scientific Production Association Siberian Machine Builder Ltd. is offered. An electric drive is placed in a hermetic caisson, height of which eliminates the contact of water with the electric drive. If adjustment or setting-up of the electric drive is necessary the caisson is quickly dismantled and after completion of works it is returned to its place. To guarantee long-term operation of the caisson it is made of corrosion-proof steel. The application of this design in sewerage shifts increases many times the reliability of a mechanism of lifting-lowering of a sliding sluice gate and more than twice reduces operation costs.
Key words
sewerage pumping station , valves , electric drive , pipeline flooding , caisson
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