

bbk 000000

UDC 628.35

Rublevskaya O. N., Lominoga O. A., Keish V. S., Protasovskii E. M.

The project of wastewater treatment facilities for Molodezhnoe Settlement of the Kurort District of Saint-Petersburg


The project of the wastewater treatment facilities for Molodezhnoe Settlement of the Kurort District of Saint-Petersburg is presented. The wastewater treatment facilities include: the main pumping station, a combined mechanical wastewater treatment unit, an equalizing tank, a bioreactor (aeration tank operating the technology of nitri-denitrification) for enhanced nitrogen removal, a membrane bioreactor, an effluent UV-disinfection plant, a screw press for excess activated sludge dewatering. Separation of activated sludge and effluent is provided by three blocks each containing 8 membrane filtration modules each with a capacity of 104 m3/day. In the given project the membrane bioreactor acts as a secondary settling tank and tertiary treatment facilities. To provide for enhanced phosphorus removal aluminium sulphate is dosed at the biological treatment stage. Disinfected effluent is discharged through the outfall into the Gulf of Finland. Dewatered excess activated sludge is transported by trucks to the sludge incineration plant of the Northern Wastewater Treatment Plant. Gas emissions generated in the process of wastewater treatment are cleaned in a sorption-plasmacatalytic unit and a biofilter. The technology designed in the project provides for enhanced treatment of wastewater and gas emissions resulting in the significant improvement of the environment in the Kurort District of Saint-Petersburg.

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