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UDC 621.65.003.13

Berezin S. E.

The Initiative 7 = 2 in the Interests of Both the Consumer and the Vendor of Equipment


The world's leading pump companies constantly informed about the modernization of their products and production technologies. However, experienced users often note that pumping units started operating 20 and even 30–40 years ago are not worse, but often more reliable than modern ones. Failures and breakdowns of pumps often occur not because of defective goods, but due to inadequate linkage of units’ parameters to the system which they are integrated in, as well as due to errors in the implementation of pumping stations, pipelines, electrical equipment, automation and other components of the pumping units. The price component of pumps is unreasonably higher than their functional significance comparing with other engineering components. It is important not the pump maker's label but uninterrupted operation at reasonable costs. 7 = 2 is a program of equipment delivery with a 7-year warranty for the same price as the 2-year one. Pumps and mixers made in Taiwan are already sold in Russia on 7 = 2 terms.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.10.05
UDC 66.063.8

Grigor’eva Anastasiia, Abiev Rufat, Lobanov Fedor, Тарарыков Олег Юрьевич

Developing efficient methods of mixing during chemical treatment of wastewater suspension


In recent years the problem of wastewater sludge disposal has become more and more urgent for the municipal economy. The results of a study of the process of sludge suspending with Dezolak, a lime-containing agent, are presented; the size of solid inclusions is determined to provide for calculating the required rotation speed of the mixing device: the average Sauter particle diameter was 55 μm, the density of the solid phase was 2211 kg/m3. For effective chemical suspending the angular velocity of the mixer should be more than 0.03 m/s. The main similarity criteria for scaling the apparatus were investigated; it was determined that while choosing a mixer, the Froude criterion Fr should be taken into account, since that very indicator was practically constant for the three investigated reactors. Based on the work done, it was determined that the ratio of power to the volume of the mixed liquid cannot be a criterion for calculating devices equipped with GMS mixing devices: for these mixers, a decrease in the mixing power with an increase in the size of the device is valid.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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