bbk 000000
UDC 621.65.003.13
Berezin S. E.
The Initiative 7 = 2 in the Interests of Both the Consumer and the Vendor of Equipment
The world's leading pump companies constantly informed about the modernization of their products and production technologies. However, experienced users often note that pumping units started operating 20 and even 30–40 years ago are not worse, but often more reliable than modern ones. Failures and breakdowns of pumps often occur not because of defective goods, but due to inadequate linkage of units’ parameters to the system which they are integrated in, as well as due to errors in the implementation of pumping stations, pipelines, electrical equipment, automation and other components of the pumping units. The price component of pumps is unreasonably higher than their functional significance comparing with other engineering components. It is important not the pump maker's label but uninterrupted operation at reasonable costs. 7 = 2 is a program of equipment delivery with a 7-year warranty for the same price as the 2-year one. Pumps and mixers made in Taiwan are already sold in Russia on 7 = 2 terms.
Key words
pump , operation expenditures , mixer , extended warranty , uninterruptedness , functionality