


bbk 000000

UDC 628.353

Chesalov S. M., Lion Iu. A., Ptitsyn V. V., Malozemov A. V.

Gabion filtration facilities for surface runoff treatment


The design and characteristics of gabion filtration treatment facilities developed and designed by the specialists of «ECOLANDSHAFT-XXI century» NPO LLC are presented. The analysis of wastewater and effluent samples collected at different seasons of the year from the inlet and outlet of the different gabion facilities showed that the efficiency of treatment both in terms of suspended solids and oil products and COD, BOD5 met the maximum permissible pollutant concentrations set for fishery waters. Gabion facilities are open gravity facilities, which do not require any chemicals, pumps, electricity or premises for their operation. They include two sections, each of them having four treatment stages: accumulating settling tank; filtration chamber with granular bed; bioplato; filtration chamber with sorbent. Gabion facilities include bioplato as a mandatory and very important element for treatment which is a shallow impoundment seeded with macrophytes and which ensures removing a number of pollutants. Due to the use of gabions, bioplato and chemical free treatment the gabion facilities can be qualified as nature like facilities which can be retrofitted into the landscape and have an attractive look becoming a part of the landscape. By now more than 120 gabion filtration treatment facilities with up to 15 years service time have been designed and built. The facilities provide for the treatment of surface runoff from highways, industrial sites of technology and industrial parks.

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