

DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.11.01
UDC 621.644:519.863

Shlafman Vitalii

History of development and applied aspects of the issues of the optimal synthesis of pipeline systems


The issues of development and applied aspects of the problematics of the optimal synthesis of pipeline systems, their role and place in the advanced practice of designing and operating network facilities are considered. An analysis of the generality of continuous and discrete formulations for addressing the problem of optimizing the parameters and schemes of pipeline systems is given. The main aspects of constructing an optimization criterion for technical and economic calculations; the mathematical and meaningful origin of the main criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of capital investments, i. e., reduced and discounted costs are considered. The analysis of methods of delivering the compared options of the technical solution to the identical material result is carried out. The results of applying the proposed criterion for the comparative economic efficiency of capital investments for solving the problem of optimizing the scheme and parameters of a group water main are presented. Principal approaches to the application of minimization formulations of the optimal synthesis problem to the solution of the problem of rational rise in the cost of technical solutions are proposed.

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