DOI 000000
UDC 628.221
Study of the storm runoff mechanism (for discussion)
For the hydraulic calculation of surface runoff disposal networks in SP 32.13330.2018 «Sewerage. External Networks and Structures», a technique is applied that implements the method of «limiting intensities». Despite its notability and widespread use in practice, a number of authors point to a limited area of its use. However, there are no results of a quantitative assessment of the errors of this method in the technical literature. For this reason, the analysis of the degree of influence of the accepted assumptions on the results of hydraulic calculations was carried out. It has been established that with certain ratios of other factors, the use of the «limiting intensities» method can result in an underestimation (from 1.2 to 1.7 times) of the calculated wastewater flow rates. Taking into account the results obtained, two directions of work are formulated to eliminate the consequences of flooding in sewer basins. The first direction provides for the introduction of engineering measures aimed at increasing the reliability and efficiency of the sewer system operation, the second – the improvement of the construction regulations that exclude the creation of problem situations in the future.
Key words
drainage area , method of limiting intensities , climatic parameters , force of rain , rainfall duration , surface runoff disposal systems , travel time
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