

DOI 000000

UDC 628.22

Vereshchagina Lidiia, Gromov Grigorii, Ten A. E., Khudiakova Dar’ia

Analysis of foreign and domestic approaches to the hydraulic calculation of gravity storm sewer networks


In accordance with the requirements approved by the Decree of the RF Government of September 5, 2013 No. 782 «On the development of water supply and wastewater disposal schemes» (as amended on May 22, 2020), projects of the developed water supply and wastewater disposal schemes for settlements and urban districts of the Russian Federation with a population of 150 thousand people and more must include an electronic model. At the same time, the software used for the electronic model must ensure the performance of hydraulic calculations, including rainwater (storm) sewer networks operating in gravity and pressure modes. Analysis of literature data and official websites of software manufacturers show that at present in Russia no domestic software for calculating gravity storm sewer networks that meet the requirements of the current regulatory document – SP 32.13330.2018 «SNiP 2.04.03-85. Sewerage. External networks and structures» that regulates the design of wastewater systems for settlements, urban districts is available. Foreign companies working in the Russian market have certain experience in this area. In this regard, the possibilities of software products of various companies have been studied that provide for the electronic models allowing to perform hydraulic calculations and design gravity systems for the surface runoff disposal. The authors have analyzed European regulatory documents, including BS EN 752: 2017, and also performed verification calculations in terms of determining the flow rates of surface (rain) runoff. The results show that the use or adaptation of foreign software products to the design environment in Russia is not possible because of their inconsistency with the applied design dependencies and the requirements of the current regulatory documents of the Russian Federation.

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