Number 9 / 2018
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UDC 628.14:004.415.53
Primin Oleg, Gromov Grigorii, Stepanov D. L., Kozlova O. V.
Calibration of an electronic model of a water supply system (through the example of the water distribution network of Salavat city)
In accordance with the RF legislation within the frames of the water supply schemes development for the Russian cities designing an electronic model of a water supply system is envisaged. In order to obtain trustworthy results of modeling the model verification is required that is carried out by the calibration on the basis of operation and statistic data of the water supply system. The action of the electronic model calibration through the example of the Salavat water distribution network is described (Republic of Bashkortostan). The calibration was aiming at maintaining hydraulic head at the nodal points of the design model according to the assumed calculation as well as maintaining water source flows according to the assumed estimation hour. The calibration of the electronic model of the water supply system was carried out by varying the maximum values of steel and cast iron pipeline roughness that corresponded to their maximum working lifespan. The calibration process involved a considerable amount of hydraulic calculations (256). The mean total difference of hydraulic head between the estimated values and actual measurements was 4.03%; the mean total difference of water source flows – 0.31%. With the purpose of the calibration process automation an algorithm based on VBA language with the use of Excel tables and ActiveX library of «ZuLuNetTools» was developed. The developed algorithm of automated calibration of the electronic model is applicable to «ZuLu» Russian software.
Key words
water supply system , hydraulic design , pipeline system , electronic model , calibration , pipe roughness
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UDC 628.161
Govorova Zh. M., Govorov O. B.
Water treatment facilities, units and technologies with floating polymer bed (design and introduction experience)
The principal stages of designing water treatment facilities and units with granules of expanded crushed and uncrushed polysterene with the density less than the water density used as filtering bed are presented. The theoretical concepts and distinguishing features of water clarification process in a styrofoam layer are considered. The history of water clarification process in styrofoam layers at the specific structure of the granulated layer depends primarily on the quality of incoming water, filtration rate and surface properties of the bed. The dominant parameters of the surface water quality in this case are as follows: dispersiveness and suspended matter concentration, kinetic stability of its colloid particles. During filtration of effluents after biochemical treatment in addition to the above-mentioned parameters the microbial life-sustaining activities play an important role. The process parameters of various filters with floating bed (FPZ-1, …, FPZ-6, AFPZ-4М) and bioreactors with jet vacuum ejection are quoted. The positive experience of the introduction and operation of these facilities as part of water intake and purification complexes, natural water treatment plants, underground water conditioning plants and domestic, industrial and storm wastewater tertiary treatment plants is considered. Lately the increase of anthropogenic impact on the water sources have raised the demand for carrying out process experimental studies with real water of different water purification processes including filtration in filters with floating polymer bed at large-scale pilot plants. Based on the obtained results of the studies of water purification processes the recommendations for designing a water intake and purification complex were developed and implemented during its construction.
Key words
filter , deferrization , natural and waste water , aftertreatment , floating polymer bed , clarification of low-concentrated suspensions
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Памяти Михаила Григорьевича Журбы
В сентябре 2018 г. исполнилось 75 лет со дня рождения Михаила Григорьевича Журбы (1943–2013), доктора технических наук, профессора, заслуженного деятеля науки РФ, действительного члена Академии проблем водохозяйственных наук и Жилищно-коммунальной академии РФ.
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UDC 628.35
SHVETSOV V. N., MOROZOVA K. M., Stepanov S. V.
Designing facilities for municipal and industrial wastewater biological treatment in aeration tanks with nutrients removal
Biological treatment facilities are the basic facilities for the purification of domestic, municipal and industrial wastewater of most of the industries (chemical, petrochemical, oil refining, food, textile, consumer goods, coke-chemical industries, agriculture etc.). However until now there has been no scientifically-grounded method of designing wastewater biological treatment facilities with nitrogen and phosphorus removal in the Russian Federation. Many years of extensive research carried out by NII VODGEO and «Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal» chair of the Samara State Technical University at the laboratory and pilot plants, at the operating facilities with processing data bulks provided for developing an adequate method of designing aeration tanks with nutrients removal. The presented method is a supplement of the method of process design of biological treatment facilities stated in SNiP 2.04.03-85 with regard to designing aeration tanks with nitri-denitrification and biological phosphorus removal; and provides for the calculations of upgrade and new construction of the facilities for biological treatment of municipal, domestic and industrial wastewater. Behind the process design is the concept of the process description with enzyme kinetics equations. The method includes the following stages: substantiation of the relevant basic data on the flow rates and qualitative composition of wastewater; determination of the process flow scheme and burden balance calculation of all the critical pollution components; determination of the kinetic constants and coefficients of enzyme kinetics equations of the transformation of each basic pollution component (BOD, nitrogen compounds, phosphorus etc.) and activated sludge growth by the statistical analysis of the operation data and chemico-analytical analysis of wastewater samples of the operating treatment facilities, by experimental data or on the basis of the available analogies; calculation of the volume of all the elements of the facilities with determination of the limitative component and treatment level in relation to other pollutants; final correction of the volumes and parameters of all the process zones with account of the requirements to the level of treatment in relation to all the dictating pollution components. An example of the calculation is set. It is noted that the computation algorithm and formulas included into the method provide for designing any complicated process flow schemes with nitrogen and phosphorus removal applied both to municipal and industrial wastewater. The method provides for calculating not only the rate of removing BOD and nitrogen compounds but also other certain pollution components (oil products, detergents, fats etc.) offering additional opportunities of the wastewater biological treatment method. The method is especially useful in designing industrial wastewater biological treatment facilities because most of the foreign methods are mainly focused on the purification of domestic and municipal wastewater to the concentrations adopted in those countries. The method is developed on the principle of essential sufficiency; however is contains 70 design parameters and 28 formulas and equations. Accordingly the calculations are performed in Microsoft Office Excel which makes it possible for users even with middle software skills. Herewith it is possible to perform calculations straight for several options interactively and/or upgrade the treatment facilities in the process of their operation.
key words
biological treatment , nitrification , denitrification , nitrogen , phosphorous , activated sludge , kinetic constants , process design method , industrial and municipal wastewater
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UDC 628.336.71
Duambekov M. S., Ivanov A. N., Ivanova N. V.
«Organic belt around Kazakhstan cities – 2020» environmental project
The description of «Organic belt around Kazakhstan cities – 2020» environmental project that engages essentially the water industry and that is being implemented nowadays is presented. The timeliness of the project comes from the amendment of the national legislation, Article 301 of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in particular (2016), that is related to the regulation of waste landfilling. The new regulatory document limits (and actually prohibits) storing dewatered wastewater sludge on landfills and prescribes to provide for its further processing with the purpose of transferring theses wastes from «hazardous organic wastes» category to recultivants, cultivation soil etc. The project envisages the use of Russian technology of wastewater sludge dewatering on sludge beds with the use of «Sibflok®» flocculant and the technology of enhanced composting of organic wastes developed by the experts of International Academy of Ecology (Astana). The implementation of this project will provide not only for reducing significantly the amount of municipal sludge transported to landfilling but also for establishing the production of soil-like substrates, soils for remediation of desertificated territories, landfills, dumps; and in case of advanced processing – for urban greening services.
Key words
composting , dehydration , flocculant , sludge beds , environmental damage , wastewater sludges , reclamation , bio-conversion , remediation of disturbed lands
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UDC 628.356.1:621.61
Bitiev A. V., Basov N. S., Novikov S. N., Smolenskii A. V., Ustiuzhanin A. V., Bazhenov V. I.
Predicting energy-efficient effect of the controlled air delivery at the Novo-Liuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Стратегия развития АО «Мосводоканал» предусматривает The corporate strategy of «Mosvodokanal» JSC envisages the systematic practical application of energy-efficient solutions substantiated by the method of mathematical prediction of the energy-efficient effect of the controlled air delivery at the air blower house of Block No. 1 of the Novo-Liuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Moscow. The controlled air delivery to the aeration tanks for the biological wastewater treatment processes has been proposed as a key and cost effective method of energy conservation. The energy-efficient effect was determined by comparing the resultant energy consumption of two states of the predictable air deliver system – the basic state without control and controlled one. In the process of data and measurement method generation the calibrated metering devices of the operating SCADA system and data of the certified laboratory were used. The experimental survey of the air blower house with N750-23-6 units was carried out. The average decrease of air delivery resulting from the equipment deterioration for the 35 years’ operating period was 5.8–10.4%; the operation pressure decrease was 40.7–5.4%. The isoentropic coefficient of performance of N750-23-6 units was 75% at 79% rating. The method of predicting the energy-efficient effect including the mathematical model of energy input is considered. The model provided for 1.27% average ratio error at the verification against the actual environment of the operating object. The mathematical prediction of the energy-efficient effect revealed 32.5% or 11,343.97 thousand kWh/year reserve or 30,061.52 thousand ruble/year (VAT excluded) savings. Adjustable blade control of the air blowers was chosen as the technical basis of the energy efficiency. The study results formed the basis for the energy service contract.
Key words
energy efficiency , control arrangements , sewerage treatment facilities , simulation modeling , air-blowing house , rotary blade regulation , energy service contract , energy-efficient effect
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UDC 628.17
Naimanov A. Ia., Гутарова М. Ю.
Study of water consumption by the population of big cities under the conditions of non-round the clock water supply
The study of actual water consumption by the population of a city under the conditions of supplying water to the customers at intervals according to the schedule is presented. Histograms and diagrams of differential and integral distribution of specific water flow rate for buildings equipped with water and wastewater piping and bathrooms with local water heating were plotted. The exponential rule of differential distribution of actual water flow rates per one person per day has been determined that is a distinctive feature of non-round-the-clock water supply because at the continuous supply the differential distribution is subordinate to the normal law. Average weighted and 20-percent recurrence specific water flows were determined; the total reduction of water consumption by the population of a big city at non-round-the-clock water supply was revealed. The comparison with the water consumption by the population of Samara under the conditions of continuous water supply was carried out. The reduction of the specific water consumption at family increase regardless of the availability of public amenities in the apartment building was determined.
Key words
water supply system , specific water consumption , non-round-the clock and continuous water supply , statistical data processing , differential and integral distribution