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UDC 628.166

Tkachev Andrei, Baranov V. L., Piskareva V. M.

Comparative assessment of the operating expenditures for wastewater disinfection with the use of chlorination and UV-technology


Protection of drinking water sources has been the most important comprehensive task. The state of the surface water bodies is determined to a large extent by wastewater flow in them that should be epidemiologically safe according to the RF legislation. The use of ultraviolet irradiation has been the most environmentally and economically efficient disinfection method. To provide for the assessment of the economic efficiency of UV-disinfection technology five operating wastewater treatment facilities of different capacity were considered. The comparison of the annual operating expenditures for chlorination (exclusively of the expenditures for dechlorination and charge for chlorine and chrloorganic compounds discharge) and UV-irradiation was carried out. The studies showed that operating UV-disinfection units were more cost-effective compared to operating chlorination units at the treatment facilities of different capacity.

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  1. Murphy K. L., Zaloum R., Fulford D. Effects of chlorination practice on soluble organics. Water Research, 1975, v. 9, is. 4, pp. 389–396.
  2. Bival’kevich A. I., Smirnov A. D. [Ultraviolet technology – a modern method of wastewater disinfection]. Vodosnabzhenie i Kanalizatsiia, 2015, no. 1–2, pp. 56–60. (In Russian).

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