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UDC 628.161.3

Samburski Georgi, Pestov S. M., Plitman S. I., Tulakin A. V., Ampleeva G. P., Tsyplakova G. V., Koshenkov V. N.

On some problems in chemical treatment of drinking water


Stated requirements to the delivery of information on the technology and raw material used in the production of chemicals will provide for minimizing the threat of toxic substances transfer to the treated water. In the process of comparative evaluation of chemicals it is recommended to pay attention to the substantial part of the expert report related to the maximum permissible dosages (concentrations) substantiated with account of the criteria of acceptable health hazard. The requirements of Methodology Guidelines shall be applied to synthetic polyelectrolytes specified not only in the document but also in other hygienic regulations. It is related to the product and its monomers.

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  1. Plitman S. I., Tulakin A. V., Ampleeva G. P. [On the reliability of the health standards of Uniform requirements of the Customs Union]. Sanitarnyi Vrach, 2014, no. 11, pp. 57–60. (In Russian).
  2. Samburskii G. A., Dokanina Iu. V. [Any alternative to inorganic coagulants for drinking water supply]. Vestnik MITKHT, 2015, v. 2, issue 3, pp. 44–52. (In Russian).

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