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UDC 628.356.1:621.61

Rakitskii D. S., Egorova Yu. A., Levin D. I., Gordeev S. A., Nagornyi S. L., Bazhenov V. I., Petrov V. I., Ustiuzhanin A. V.

Energy-efficient principle of upgrading the air blower house  at the Samara municipal wastewater treatment facilities


As a key and economically advantageous measure on energy efficiency and investment return in the field of wastewater disposal «Samarskie Kommunal’nye Sistemy» Company approves the processes of air supply regulation at the municipal wastewater treatment facilities. A big complex of the air blower house has been designed and successfully implemented by improving the typical design projects for the RF conditions developed by SoiuzvodokanalNIIproject Institute for the estimated supply of 132 144 Nm3/h. The specific features of building and assembly works when installing 15 ton units under the conditions of the limited capacity of the hoisting equipment (9 tons) are set. The mechanical rotary blade principle of fan regulation was adopted as a basis of the energy saving solution. At the first implementation stage under the conditions of the lack of an operating automated process control system 26.1% reduction of the specific power consumption was recorded at the average specific power consumption of 22.39 kW/1000 Nm3. The engineering design reflects possible 45–100% regulation of air supply to the aeration tanks as well as its relation to the consumed power of 1273.2–2674.2 kW (for 20 °C input temperature, 50% relative humidity). Two-loop scheme of the automated control system for «aeration tank gate valve control unit – blower unit group» is presented. The analysis of the fan testing at the manufacturer’s factory is given. The parameters of regulating centrifugal air blowers by two control actions: of regulated diffuser at the outlet and inlet guide vane unit are presented. The mathematical method of recalculating the characteristics of air blowers with the use of the «degree of control» basic concept was developed and experimentally verified. The use of the method proves the wide range of the running characteristics of regulated units for all the year seasons, the mode of combined operation of one non-regulated and three regulated air blower units for the experimental work period.

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