

bbk 000000

UDC 628.24

Voronin S. G., Skrebnev Iu. V.

Improving the environmental safety of sewage pipeline laying  with the use of new breed ceramic pipes


The characteristics and advantages of the advanced sewage ceramic pipes of new breed are presented as well as the range of products and the technology of pipe manufacture with the use of clay and chamotte. Taking into consideration the distinctive advantages of ceramic pipes (long lifetime of pipes and fittings; tightness of abutted joints; high chemical resistance; non-wearing of the inner surface of pipes, fittings and abutted joints), the conclusion of the expediency of launching large-scale ceramic pipe manufacture in Russia is made. Alongside with the introduction of ceramic pipes developing the standards with account of the entire lifetime of all the sewage pipelines and advanced technical equipment for open and trenchless pipe laying is required.

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