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UDC 628:614
Moiseev M A.
Security service of Ekaterinburg Vodokanal
The activity of the security service of Ekaterinburg Vodokanal is of primary importance. The task of the service is safety assurance of the enterprise in the peripheral, technical and economic sectors. Thirty five vital and potentially vulnerable facilities of Vodokanal are under protection of the security service. To eliminate the security lapses the plans of the system reorganization and improvement of anti-terror and countersabotage protection of the dangerous facilities and hydroengineering structures were adopted. Implementation of the given plans will provide for the significant improvement of the safety of the vital and potentially vulnerable facilities of the enterprise.
Key words
potentially vulnerable facility , security system of the enterprise , facility security certificate , system reorganization , facility safety
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UDC 628.1/.2:331.45
Startseva I. Iu.
Occupational safety control at Ekaterinburg Vodokanal
The task of the occupational and industrial safety service of Ekaterinburg «Vodokanal» MUE is protecting the life and health of the employees as well as preventing and localizing the accidents at the dangerous projects. A three-stage control system is used at the enterprise. The personnel involved in heightened danger works have to pass compulsory education and preliminary instructing. The occupational safety service of the enterprise ensures efficient prevention of the personnel injuries and accidents at the dangerous projects. The best evidence is low statistics of traumatism and accidents at Ekaterinburg Vodokanal.
Key words
occupational safety , monitoring system , industrial safety , dangerous industrial project , protection means
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Насосы KSB там, где другим справиться не под силу
Насосы Amacan производства компании KSB с погружными электродвигателями широко применяются во всем мире для промышленного и сельскохозяйственного водоснабжения, организации ливневой канализации и отвода дренажных вод с целью предотвращения затопления, а также на очистных и водопроводных станциях, в шлюзовых сооружениях, перекачивают охлаждающую воду на электростанциях и промышленных предприятиях.