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UDC 628.113.83

Kolesnikova T. V.

Sustainable municipal water supply with the help  of pneumatic barrier complexes at water intakes


The safety of water supply systems depends upon the sustainable operation of the water intakes. In the process of water abstraction from the surface water sources some problems may arise because of frazil ice events, low water levels, bottom sediments transport. Ice buildup including frazil slush clog the screens of the water receiving openings of the inlet head, gravity conduits and receiving chambers of the riverbank well interrupting water delivery to the customers. Such problems may arise not only in the direct stream and riverbank-based water intakes but also in forebay basin water intakes. However, they can be eliminated by installing upstream the inlet head or forebay basin intake a system of perforated pipes of a pneumatic barrier complex. Installing such complexes functioning as protecting structures against ice buildup and fish demonstrated their high efficiency. The presented formulae can be used for determining the parameters of compressed air that provides for the efficient operation of the pneumatic barrier complex.

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  3. Voinich-Sianozhentskii T. G., Kolesnikova T. V., Filippov E. Ia., Motinov A. M. [Inventor’s Certificate 10860634, RF. IPC Е 02 В 15/02. Frazil ice control arrangement of a water intake]. Otkrytiia. Izobreteniia, 1984, no. 14. (In Russian).
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  8. Voinich-Sianozhentskii T. G., Kolesnikova T. V., Motinov A. M., Tsybochkin V. T., Ersler V. L. [Inventor’s Certificate 1096337, RF. IPC Е 02 В 8/08. Fish protection structures of a water intake]. Otkrytiia. Izobreteniia, 1984, no. 21. (In Russian).
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